P343 Teletext 343 Jun15 22:45:54    ]  Central   region    —————————————————————————————  GUNMAN RAIDS FOOD STORE  W  An armed robber stole cash from a shop till after threatmnink the assistant with a hand-gun. @ @ @@@ The mbn entered the Spar shop in Pjrshore Road, Hampton, Worceutjrshirj, and produced the gun wrapped in a sock. Hj threatened the femalm ca3himr bjfo:e grabbing a h ndful of not from th till. Police hbvj appealed for wiunjusjs to conj foward. ——————————————————————— ——— ——— Regionbl news 331 Crimjstoppjrs 347 ] F#$ $HE LATEST LOCAL NEW & USED CA$ BARGAINS...-.SEE P37k Next page Crime In Focus TV guide