P327 Teletext 327 Jul 1 09:00:30       3  AA QRR ——————————————————————————————  LOOK AFTER NUMBER 1 Dear Teletext Between now and the General Election, I wonder how many Tory MPs will cross the floor to join New Labour to look after number one and get elected again ogj Pilling r, Kings Langley, He ts ——————————————————————————————————1/10— 60 words max. Letters may be amended CHECK THE AI QUALITYNEARYOU Papers News Poll In Focus Headlines
P327 Teletext 327 Jul 1 09:00:49 Pd P I Teletext 248 Jul 1 09:00:)9     W  ——————————————————————————————  WE NEED GeNdRAL ELECTION Dear Teletext $hj latest shenanigan in the Tory party is disconcerting. The election of the leader, bz backbench MPs only, is the most undemocratic process in this country. If John Major loses, somjonj else becomes Prime Minister and he or she will not have a mandate from the people to govjtn. The optimum solution is to hold a General Election. K P Armitage, Kjsgravj, Suffolk ——————————————————————————————————4/10— 60 words max. Letters may be amended. CHECK THE AIR QUALITY NEAR YOU p106 Papers News Poll In Focus Headlines
P327 Teletext 327 Jul 1 09:07:55          ——————————————————————————————  PASS THE PARCEL Dear Teletext Here we go again, as the Tories do a repeat performance of five years ago with Maggie. It annoys mj to see disgraced ex-Tory ministers on the TV, playing pass the parcel with Britain while everyone else in the country suffers. A General Election is needed desperately. S Wblsh, Stonjferry, Hull ——————————————————————————————————3/10— All the latest TV news and gossip 110 Letters to: THE EDITOR, PO BOX 297 LONDOV, SW6 1XT. Fax: 0171 386 5618. Papers News Poll In Focus Headlines
P327 Teletext 327 Jul 1 09:08:14 ss P I Teletext 255 Jul 1 08:u8:14     OO  ——————————————————————————————  'HO BROUGHT THE RJCJSSION? Dear Teletext John Major claims that the Conservatives' greatest achievement is reducing inflation. 'hat hj does not say publicly is that any fool can control inflation if a large pool of 5nimplo9ed iu maintained Most people will understand that the recession has brought inflation down. Did the Con3ju6ati6es brink about the recession? S Baker, Slough, Berks ——————————————————————————————————4/10— Vote in our news poll 326 CHECK THE AI QUALITYNEARYOU Papers News Poll In Focus Headlines
P327 Teletext 327 Jul 1 09:08:34          ——————————————————————————————  STONY SQLJNCE ON EU$OPE Dear Teletext Ask anyone in the street if they favour UK mjmbjrship of a single @ uropjan currency. $hey may reply no. Then go on to ask them why not and the stony silence would be deafening. If we are to bj at the heart of Ezrgpj then only a democratically-elected Parliamknt should determine such a major issue. F O'Connor, Tjignmouth, Dmvon ——————————————————————————————————5/10— Patric Walkjt plots your stars 127 CHECK THE AIR QUALITY NEAR YOU p106 Papers News Poll In Focus Headlines
P327 Teletext 327 Jul 1 09:08:53 G T—letpxt 2—p Jul 1 09:      W  ————————————————————————p—————  COPPERS STBY COOL Dear Teletext +i5h temperatures pushing the mercury up and our tolerance levels down, it is heartening to see the police doing their bit to cool frayed tempers. When a Wblls ice cream lorry crashed on the A27 at Portsmouth, officers heroically handed out the chilled confectionery to frustrated motorists. Can wi have some in our office please? Peter Smith, Altrincham, Cheshire. ——————————————————————————————————6/10— Patric Wblkjt plots your stars 127 CHECK THE AIR QUALITY NEAR YOU p106 Papers News Poll In Focus Headlines
P327 Teletext 327 Jul 1 09:09:13       O  ——————————————————————————————  HOL0DAYS FO- bHE RdCH Dear Teletext I wonder what audience the travel shows are aimed at? $hj very expensive holidays shown are not for the ordinary man in the street with a wife and family. Mrs L Lund, Rhos-on-Sea, Clwyd ——————————————————————————————————7/10— 60 words max. Letters may bj amended. Letters to: THE EDITOR, PO BOX 297 LONDON, SW6 1XT. Fax: 0171 386 5618. Papers News Poll In Focus Headlines
P327 Teletext 327 Jul 1 09:09:32        GOO  ——————————————————————————————  FoRGEl THE SeTt BEReItS Dear Tel text $hj memorial sjrvjce for Fred Perry, our last great male tenni player at Wimbledon, brings into question why world tennis is held in Britain. Over the years the calibre of British players has been of inadequate quality Forget strawberries and cream, look at other locations around the world with fine weather and less snobbery. J M Wblton, Bradford, W. Yours ——————————————————————————————————8/10— 60 words max. Letters may be amended Letters to: THE EDITO", PO BOX 297 LONDON, SW6 1XT. Fax: 0171 386 5618. Papers News Poll In Focus Headliner
P327 Teletext 327 Jul 1 09:09:51        OWO  ——————————————————————————————  LEAVE BOOT SALES OUT Dear Teletext "Consumer watchdogs" want yet more stifling regulations, now for boot sales, almost the last bastion of free enterprise. Peopl are fed up being regulated. For a feel good factor, we need less, NO$ more, legislation. Jeremy Zjid, Harrow, Middx ——————————————————————————————————9/10— Patric Wblkjr plots your stars 127 CHECK THE AIR QUALRTZ NEAR YOU p206 Papers News Poll In Focus Headlines
P327 Teletext 327 Jul 1 09:00:11       WWWW  ——————————————————————————————  GOVERNMENT POLICY AT FAULT Dear Teletext KWJI not sa:ing that people who bought council houses caused a problem. $hj Government chose to sell them, but not replace them at the same rate. When you no longer needed the hours @ it would have become available to others in need. As you know own it, it will not. Govjrnmjnt policy is at fault. Ms M Wardale, Rounds, Northants ———————————————————————pq————————q1P/10 60 words max. Ljtteru may bj amjndud. Letters to: THE EDITOR, PO BOX 297 LONDON, SW6 1XT. Fax: 0171 386 5618. Papers News Poll In Focus Headlines