P329 Teletext 329 Jul 1 09:02:14         —————————————————————————————  IT HAPPENED ON JULY 1 IN....  1994 PLO chairman Yassjr Arafat made a triumphant return to his Palestinian homeland after 27 years. 1969 Prince Charles was invested as Prince of Wbles at Cajrnarvon Castle. 1937 The 999 emergency services came into operation in Britain. 1916 Opening day of the battle of the Somme in the First World War. ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— News headlines 300 News poll 326 WHAT'S ON AT THE CINEMA? p610 C4 News focus Headlines Sport TV Plus
P329 Teletext 329 Jul 1 09:01:44         —————————————————————————————  I$ HAPPENED ON JULY 1 IN....  1858 Charles Darwin presented his theory on evolution and natural selection in London. 1837 Compulsory registration of births, marriages and deaths came into effect in England and Wbles. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Princess of Wales, 34; Trevor Eve, actor, 44; Carl Lewis, athlete, 34; Deborah Harry, rock singer, 50; Jean Marsh, actress, 61. ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— News headlines 300 News poll 326 WHAT'S ON AT THE CINEMA? p610 C4 News focus Headlines Sport TV Plus