P117 Teletext 117 Aug14 21:41:25       ON TV   ———————————————————————————  MONDAY 10.30 BBC2 THE DAY WILL DAWN British wartime adventure about a journalist and a young girl who join forces to sabotage a German U-boat installation. Starring Hugh Williams, Griffith Jones and Deborah Kerr. (GB 1942) b&w 95mins 10.35 ITV GET SMART, AGAIN! Don Adams returns as inept agent Maxwell Smart, the character made famous by the 1960s spy spoof, to tackle evil organisation KAOS once more. (US TVM 1989) 105mins ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— Now & next 121 Subtitle guide 419 C4 PERSONAL LOANS NO SECURJTZ NEEDED SEE PAGE 365 Soaps TV tmrw Crime Local news
P117 Teletext 117 Aug14 21:44:13       ON TV   ———————————————————————————  MONDAY 14.15 CH4 FIGHTING MAN OF THE PLAINS Routine Western about a reformed outlaw who becomes a marshal, only to face trouble when the secret of his past is finally revealed. Starring Randolph Scott. (US 1949) b&w 100mins ——————————————————————————————————2/6—— TV Plus 110 Arts & documentaries 422 C4 SEND A PERSONAL MESSAGE PAGE 388 Soaps TV tmrw Crime Local news
P117 Teletext 117 Aug14 21:42:17       ON TV   ———————————————————————————  MONDAY 21.00 ITV BLADE RUNNER: THE DIRECTOR'S CUT Director Ridley Scott's original version of his cult sci-fi thriller. Harrison Ford stars as a hard-bitten detective hunting down four renegade androids - led by Rutger Haujr - who are loose in 21st century Lou Angeles. Based on a novel by Phillip K Dick, the film also stars Sean Young and Daryl Hannah. (US 1982) 130mins ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— TV index 110 National Lottery 123 LOW FIXED RATE LOAN OFFER!! p366 Soaps TV tmrw Crime Local news
P117 Teletext 117 Aug14 21:41:54       ON TV   ———————————————————————————  MONDAY 23.05 CH4 INTERVISTA Federico Fellini'u mock documentary about the filming of an adaptation of Kafka's Amjrika. Sergio Rubini, Antonella Pom:iani and Maurizio Mien star. (IT 1987) 120mins 00.40 BBC1 SHALAKO An aristocratic hunting party unwittingly invade sacred Apache territory in late 19th century New Mexico. Western action with Sean Connery, Brigitte Bardot and Jack Hawkins. (GB 1968) 110mins ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— TV Plus 110 Arts & documentaries 422 C4 BMWs, Merck, Jags, SAABs and more see page 375 Soaps TV tmrw Crime Local news
P117 Teletext 117 Aug14 21:42:52       ON TV   ———————————————————————————  MONDAY/TUESDAY 03.00 ITV SHARBZ An Arabian prince enlists the help of an unfriendly genie in his quest to overthrow the sultan who killed his father. Spanish fantasy adventure starring Jeff Cooper and Luciana Palsy:i. (SP 1968) 90mins ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— Now & next 121 Subtitle guide 419 C4 FIND A PARTNER WITH ONE-2-ONE 390 Soaps TV tmrw Crime Local news
P117 Teletext 117 Aug14 21:41:53 Advert FILMS ON TV >>          Top Prizes Include   Portable Phone    £5000    £1000   £100         Answer 3 general knowledge questions correctly to get into the LUCKY DIP BAG Correct entries who don't win main prizes can claim a pin, notepad, kjyring or comb by sending an RAE Charge per min: 39p cheap/49p other Maximum duration 5 mink.RAE for rules TTAPFAX Ltd, Boulez, Suffolk, C010 7AQ Soaps TV tmrw Crime Local news