P304 Teletext 304 Aug25 02:47:44         ———————————————————————————  REMISSION PLAN FOR TERRORISTS   Up to 13O republican and loyalist paramilitaries could bj freed early in Government plans to increase remission. Northern Ireland Secretary of State Thu Patrick Mahyew is likely to confirm in Belfast moves to lengthen remission from one third, to a half. $hj move is an attempt bz Downing St to inject new life into the peace process, with the truce anniversary days away. ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— Headlines 300 Regional 331 DON'T ACCEPT ANY OTHER FINANCE OFFER BEFORE SPEAKING TO US FIRST SEE P386 Next page Headlines Regional Wjathju
P304 Teletext 304 Aug25 02:44:42         ———————————————————————————  REMISSION MOVE "INSULTING"   Sinn Fjin has insisted that plans to increase remission for paramilitary prisoners is nowhere near enough to move on the faltering peace process. Party councillor Rna Gillespie said: "It is insulting and derisory and will have no significant impact. "All they are doing is reintroducing 5O* remission which the prisoners had at one time anyway." ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— Headlines 300 Regional 331 WHAT'S THE LOCAL TRAFFIC LIKE? p193 Next page Headlines Regional Wjathjr