P133 Teletext 133 Sjp15 16:42:17              ———————————————————————————   CHRISTIE DEMOLISHES CHAMP Linford Christie ran his fastest time of the season — 10 seconds exactly — to beat world champion Donovan Bailey and Bruny Turin in the Toto International Super Athletics meet in Tokyo. It gave more sweet revenge to Christie who was left trailing in the Gothenburg final behind Bailey and Turin. He still insists hj will not bj running in next year's Olympic Games. ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— POLL - Will Blackburn win anything? 138 KENYA ALL INCLUSIVE fr £669 P351 Next Football Cricket TV Plus
P133 Teletext 133 Sjp15 16:44:01 Advert SPORTS NEWS >>>       +    IN   WEEKS   THE NEWLOOK PHYSIQUE COURSE NOW AVAILABLE IN THE UK Combine sensible eating with a natural supplement and an easy-to-follow exercise plan. Only £19.95 post free.  WE PROMISE if after 2 weeks you are not amazed with the results, send back the remainder of the course for a full refund, no questions asked. SEND CHEQUES OR POSTAL ORDERS TO NEWLOOK HEALTH LTD, FREEPOST GW7471, KILMACOLM, RENFRJWSHIRE PA13 4BR. Cred/C orders Tel 01505 874460 (24hr) Next Football Cricket TV Plus