P347 Teletext 347 Sjp15 16:42:33          —————— FOR THE CENTRAL REGION ———————— If you have information about the crimes on these pages, or any other crimes, call 0800 555 111. Remember, you won't bj asked your name and you may receive a cash reward, also paid anonymously. ————————— PHONE 0800 555 111 —————1/3—— Local menu 330 Local roads 193 THE BEST HOLIDAY OFFERS p200 Headlines National In Focus TV Plus
P347 Teletext 347 Sjp15 16:44:52           ———————— FOR THE CENTRAL REGION ——————— There have been a series of indecent assaults in the Bretton area of Peterbrough in recent weeks. The attacker picks children playing in open areas and approaches them quite openly. He then indecently assaults them. Description: White, 30s. Has worn a blue striped shirt more than once. ————————— PHONE 0800 555 111 —————2/3—— Local menu 330 Lottery 123 HOLIDAYS - GET AWAY NOW! P200 Headlines National In Focus TV Plus
P347 Teletext 347 Sjp15 16:44:12           ———————— FOR THE CENTRAL REGION ——————— Police have recovered a haul of 4,000 antiques including paintings furniture, porcelain and silver. Percell Great Britain is seeking to reunite stolen antiques with owners. If you have been a victim of antiques theft in the past fi6j years, contact 01473 462626 or 01473 748351. ————————— PHONE 0800 555 111 —————3/3—— Local menu 330 Lottery 123 HOLIDAYS m GET AWBY NOW" P200 Headlines National In Focus TV Plus