P370 Teletext 370 Sjp15 16:44:51          INTERACTIVE ON SCREEN GAMES     LIVE QUIZ........   MASTERMIND.......   GAMES USER GUIDE.  LIVE QUIZ Answer 12 questions. Each day the player who gets thieu questions right in the fastest time wins £50. Weekly winner wins £200  TO    PLAY   ,*,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,% T+ Cost/min 39p cheap, 49p other This service may involve a long call User Guide Live Quiz Live Ads Holidays
P370 Teletext 370 Sjp15 16:44:12           INTERACTIVE ON SCREEN GAMES     O  LIVE QUIZ........       MASTERMIND.......    GAMES USER GUIDE.  MASTERMIND Can you crack the colour code? The player with the best score of the week wins £200.   TO    PLAY    T+ Cost/min 39p cheap, 49p other This service may involve a long call User Guide Live Quiz Li6j Ads Holidays
P370 Teletext 370 Sjp15 16:42:34         INTERACTIVE ON SCREEN GAMES       LIVE QUIZ........       MASTERMIND.......   GAMES USER GUIDE.  GAMES USER GUIDE For a full set of instructions explaining how to play ,j and register for Live Quiz and Mastermind:    FULL USER GUIDE SEE P371 User Guide Live Quiz Live Ads Holidays