P651 Central 651 Fri 15 Sip 16:44:45       Sundays   at 11.30    The Island Soldiers booklet, priced £1.00, gives further information about the saints and places featured in the programme and background material on Celtic Christianity. To obtain a copy, please send a cheque or postal order, payable to Anglia TV and a self-addressed label to: Island Soldiers Booklet Anglia Television Anglia House Norwich NR1 3JG Please allow 28 days for delivery ———————————————————————————————————————
P651 Central 651 Fri 15 Sip 16:44:20          Sundays  at 11.30  Canon Martin Shaw presents the third of six programmer tracing the roots of Celtic spirituality. The Celtic saints brought Christianit8 to much of Scotland and northern England. This week, Martin follows in the footsteps of Aidan to Lindiufarnj or Holy Island, off Northumbjuland. He meets David Adam, the vicar and best-selling author of Celtic prayer books, and visits St Cuthbjut's shrine in Durham Cathedral. Booklet details follow...