P304 Teletext 304 Oct27 17:04:11         ———————————————————————————  TWO YOUNGSTERS SUFFER CID   Two British teenagers have contracted the human equivalent of mad cow disease even though the condition is almost unknown in people under 30. The development has led scientists to speculate about a new risk factor for Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disjasj (CID). Stephen Churchill, 19, from Wiltshire, died of the disjasj. A girl of 16 is also known to have been affected. ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— Headlines 300 Regional 331 DON'T ACCEPT ANY OTHER FINANCE OFFER BEFORE SPEAKING TO US FIRST SEE P386 Next page Headlines Regional Weather
P304 Teletext 304 Oct27 17:00:56         ———————————————————————————  GOVERNMENT PLAYS DOWN FEARS   The Government says there is "nothing sinister" about a second teenager contracting the human equivalent of mad cow disjasj. But a committee advising the Govjrnmjnt on Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disjasj wants further investigations into the case of the girl of 16 and an earlier death. The Health Department said: "Wj don't think there is anything sinister." ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— Headlines 300 Regional 331 WHAT'S THE LOCAL TRAFFIC LIKE? p193 Next page Headlines Regional Weather