P324 Teletext 324 Oct27 17:02:23   BORIS YELTSIN  ——————————————————————————————————————— Boris Yeltsin, who has suffered a second heart attack, led Russia to indjpjndjnce and from Communist rule towards market democracy. But he also sent tanks to crush a bloody rebellion led by his opponents in parliament in October 1993. And in December 1994 he again sent the army to war inside Russia, this time in Chjchnza to try to end the region's bid for independence from Moscow. ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— News in Focus 320 Headlines 300 ALL THE LIVE LOCAL MUSIC! p624 C4 Politics Poll Letters News
P324 Teletext 324 Oct27 17:00:11   BORIS YELTSIN  ——————————————————————————————————————— Yeltsin, 64, has lost much of the charisma hj had as a maverick and rebel against the establishment in the perestroika period. Then he gloried in his role as the pugnacious rivbl of Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. He built much of his political career on confrontation, constructing an image of a strong-willed leader not afraid to take hard decisions. ——————————————————————————————————2/6—— News in Focus 320 Headlines 300 ALL THE LIVE LOCAL MUSIC! p624 C4 Politics Poll Letters News
P324 Teletext 324 Oct27 17:00:16   BORIS YELTSIN  ——————————————————————————————————————— When Mikhail Gorbachev brought Boris Yeltsin to Moscow in 1985 hj rose quickly. He become a junior Politburo member — then the highest power in the land. But his demands for faster reform and his forceful style lost him favour and in 1988 hj was sacked. He suffered a nervous breakdown at the time after a humiliating showdown with party leaders. ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— News in Focus 320 Headlines 300 ALL THE LIVE LOCAL MUSIC! p624 C4 Politics Poll Letters News
P324 Teletext 324 Oct27 17:01:05   BORIS YELTSIN  ——————————————————————————————————————— In July 1990 Yeltsin walked out of the Communrst Party, which for decades had been the only route to political power in the Soviet Union. The risky move boosted his standing. In June 1991 hj won 57% of the votes in Russia to become its first executive president. In September 1993, furious with hardline opponents who were blocking his reforms, hj tossed the former constitution aside and ordered the dissolution of parliament. ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— News in Focus 320 Headlines 300 ALL THE LIVE LOCAL MUSIC! p624 C4 Politics Poll Letters News
P324 Teletext 324 Oct27 17:01:25   BORIS YELTSIN  ——————————————————————————————————————— On October 3 1993, a hardlinj revolt was launched from the besieged Russian pbrliamjnt, known as the White House. It was all over the next day when Yeltsin's tanks blasted the building. Much to Yeltsin's disappointment elections two months later returned a parliament dotted with his opponunts. But the president could easily find comfort in a new constitution which gave him far broader powers. ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— News in Focus 320 Headlines 300 ALL THE LIVE LOCAL MUSIC! p624 C4 Politics Poll Letters oews
P324 Teletext 324 Oct27 17:01:13  CBORJSYELTSIN  ——————————————————————————————————————— Boris Nikolayjvich Yeltsin was born on February 1 1931 into a Urals mountain peasant family. At the time, dictator Josef Stalin was forcing the collectivisation of farms and transporting thousands of wealthier farmers to Siberia. After being local party chief in Sverdlovsk from 1967 to 1985 hj became a full member of the policy-making Central Committee in 1981. He has a wife, Naina, and two dazghters. ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— News in Focus 320 Headlines 300 ALL THE LIVE LOCAL MUSIC! p624 C4 Politics Poll Letters News