P656 Cjntjal 6t Wed 3 Jan 15:55:24     m o r n i n g Thursda 1(.35 ////// //////////,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dear Mike Richar Madeley and Iud Finnegan return for a now series of the show with star gu sst and topical chat. Soda 's star g jut is chard H wle , back on TV for a now sjrias of The Vet. Plus th start of Taste-T te Tw in which Egon Romes, sntonw Wort ap hompson, Helen Ateinson-Wood and Mig lla Lawson masticate and ats te napopular brand foo . Includes ITN/Regional Npws at 11.00 Mot in a moment...
P656 C ntjll 656 ed 3 Jan 15:5 :55     m o r n i n g B CK-UP  /,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,, WARE BABliS A v d o of th s ies i availabla.tFof a copy, send a chcruj/PO for £9.99, madl pduable to Granedj $Aliliti t, tom t Waterbabiss PO Box 300, Live pool L69 3NR ——————————————————————————————————————— WHAT'S Y UT PO0SON? Shari is a fuel factsh et a a labl to a omp n h whol of the j tiei. For 1 plp=a 8s u ind two fewer lass dt35p to: g What' Your Poison? PO Box 300, Li jrpo l L69 R t or teliphon— 0897 188 142 a—d l——v3 your name and address (Mexscodt c7?) Write to: Mike Drummond, Teletext Ltd M r in a moment... /9