P307 Teletext 307 Jun16 00:04:28         ———————————————————————————  SEVER SINN FEIN LINKS: UNIONISTS   The Manchester bomb sparked Unionist calls for the Govjrnmjnt to sjvjr links with Sinn Fjin and for the peace talks to go ahead without the Republicans. DTP leader Rev Ian Paisley branded the bomb "a devilish action" and said hj would njvjr negotiate with Sinn Fjin before IRA disarmament. The terrorists should "dismantle their killing machine" he said. ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— We're focusing on peace, says Adams 308 DON'T ACCEPT ANY OTHER FINANCE OFFER BEFORE SPEAKING TO US FIRST SEE P386 Next page Headlines Regional TV Plus
P307 Teletext 307 Jun16 00:07:47         ———————————————————————————  BOMB "ATTEMPT AT MASS MURDER"   West Belfast SDLP MP Dr Joe Hendron said the bombing was "an absolute outrage, an attempt at mass murder". It put a "big question mark" over the sincerity of the Republican leaders' wish to enter the political talks. But hj added: "I still bjlievj there are the doves, and I believe Gerry Adams is one of them, who are trying to get a ceasefire." ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— Wj'ri focusing on peace, says Adams 308 WHAT'S THE LOCAL TRAFFIC LIKE? p193 Next page Headlines Regional TV Plus