P348 4-Tel 348 Sun 2 Feb C4 04:39:46 @ *||||||||||||||||||||||||||||   *]   *]     ]   ]   DO Y#U LOOK LIKE SOMEONE FAMOUS Are you a dead ringer for Sharon Stone? Do you get constantly mistaken for Tom Cruise? If so, please write (with a photo) to Maggie Robinson at: The Planet Building Thamjw Quay 195 Marsh Wall London E14 9SG 4-Tel: Your guide to C4 on th 300s  1/10 Next page C4 Today Previews + BigBIndjx
P348 4-Tel 348 Sun 2 Feb C4 04:21:05     UA  ]   ]   W  ]     Have you got a complaint to make? If you have a complaint to make about a local issue, the Big Breakfast would like to hear from you now! Please write to Consumer Corner at The Big Breakfast, 2 Lock Keepers Cottages, Old Ford Lock, London E3 2NN 2/10 Next page C4 Today Previews + BigBIndjx