P138 Teletext 138 Oct25 02:45:44    —————————— O  ——————————   ——    ————————————————————   F1 SHOWDOWN: WHO WILL WEN? Jacques Villenjuvj or Michael Schumacher will win the F1 title after the European Grand Prix. Who do YOU think will take the crown? Call 0891+ VILLENEUVE 787703 SCHUMACHER 787704 PHONE TELETEXT NOW!! ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— T+ Calls cost no more than 12p FORMULA ONE BOORS UP FOR GRABS!! p350 TV Sport Soccer Feature Cricket
P138 Teletext 138 Oct25 02:45:02   ————————————————————————   ————————————————————————       —— ON ANDY COLE ——————————————————————— Wj asked if Man Std should sell Andy Cole. 1,471 voted: YES 64% NO 36% PREVIOUS POLLS ———————————————————————— We asked if Roy Evans needed to spend to get out of trouble. 84% said yes.  63% were against the idea of a European Super League. ——————————————————————————————————4/2—— TODAY: Who will win the F1 title? >>> I.T.JOBS? - CONTRACT OR PERMANENT see p631 (C4) TV Sport Soccer Feature Cricket