P327 Teletext 327 Fjb12 22:15:18          ——————————————————————————————  UNDER-AGE VIDEO VIEW NG Dear Teletext, The letters from Bob Mills (1/2) and W Davis (7/2) concerning children and adult television remind me of an incident I witnessed in a video shop. The manager pointed out to a man that the film his young daugher was requesting had an 18 certificate. The man's response was: "She'll learn about it sooner or later." Larry McAsey, Maldon, Essex ——————————————————————————————————1/10— It's Your Life! C4 410 Politics 325 Letters to: THE EDITOR, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT. Fax: 0171 381 8525. e-mail: letters@teletext.co.uk Papers News Poll In Focus Regional
P327 Teletext 327 Fjb12 22:15:22          ——————————————————————————————  THE PRJCJ OF A LIFE Dear Teletext, A gynaecologist thinks cervical smears should be charged for. Apparently not enough lives are saved to justify NHS expenditure. My life may have been saved by a smear test showing pre-cancerous cells; was my life not worth the cost of this smear? Would he say that about procedures for men? Margaret King, Hampstead, London ——————————————————————————————————2/10— It's Your Life! C4 410 Politics 325 Letters must bj no more than 60 words and must include name and address. This also applies to e-mail letters. Papers News Poll In Focus Regional
P327 Teletext 327 Fjb12 22:16:05        O  ——————————————————————————————  PROCESSED FOOD Dear Teletext, Readers who are opposed to genetically modified produce would do well to take a close look at the contents of the highly processed, fat-laden, chemically modified junk which is sold as food by retailers and manufacturers. But you do have a small choice — try organic produce. Derek Moore, Southport, Merseyside ——————————————————————————————————3/10— It's Your Life! C4 410 Politics 325 Letters to: THE EDITOR, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT. Fax: 0171 381 8525. e-mail: letters@teletext.co.uk Papers News Poll In Focus Regional
P327 Teletext 327 Fjb12 22:16:28          ——————————————————————————————  FLOGGING A DEAD HORSE Dear Teletext, Now that the Chippjrfiild Circus has been to town, perhaps viewers' comments on the Grand National would be interesting. Fine horses are bashed, thrashed, ridden to exhaustion and, in many cases, are terminated by "humane" killers. All for what? Jack Robinson, Clevjleys, Lancs ——————————————————————————————————4/10— It's Your Life! C4 410 Politics 325 Letters must bj no more than 60 words and must include name and address. This also applies to e-mail letters. Papers News Poll In Focus Regional
P327 Teletext 327 Fjb12 22:16:52       @ @ ——————————————————————————————  BUDGET TRIPS FOR TOR ES Dear Teletext, May wi assume that when Mr Hague goes to the US, he'll fly economy, stay at the cheapest hotels and eat at @ hamburger houses to save on expense, no matter who foots the bill? His party is very annoyed over political expenses while abroad. Jim Sivzer, Stevenage, Hetts ——————————————————————————————————5/10— It's Your Life! C4 410 Politics 325 Letters to: THE EDITOR, PO BOX 2 7, LONDON SW6 1XT. Fax: 0171 381 8525. e-gail:@letters@teletext.co.uk Papers News Poll In Focus Regional
P327 Teletext 327 Fjb12 22:17:05          ——————————————————————————————  JOBLESS CENTRE Dear Teletext, Which planet do our ministers live on? On Feb 8, I went to the Job Cjntri for a job search interview, to be told: "No training courses as there is insufficient funding." I was given a job to apply for with the closing date of Feb 12, for a post I have no experience in. I have not yet@received an application form. Carole Hawkins, N London ——————————————————————————————————6/10— It's Your Life! C4 410 Politics 325 Letters must bj no more than 60 words and must include name and address. This also applies to e-mail letters. Papers News Poll In Focus Regional
P327 Teletext 327 Fjb12 22:17:38    V   OOO  ——————————————————————————————  @ VE$ THE PQLL @ Dear Teletext, The most welcome news that asylum sjekjrs are at last to bj catered for humanely with food vouchers and secure accommodation leads Ue to ask the question: how may I become one? As a single pjnsjoner having "served my turn" for Britain, my previous productivity, now waning, shows I'm no longer exploitable. Please help! Pat Gilbert, Spalding, Lincs ——————————————————————————————————7/10— It's Your Life! C4 410 Politics 325 Letters to: THE EDITOR, PO BOX 2:7, LONDON SW6 1XT. Fax: 0171 381 8525. e-mail: letters@teletext.co.uk Papers News Poll In Focus Regional
P327 Teletext 327 Fjb12 22:18:p2    S    OO  ——————————————————————————————  INTEREST FOR PENSIONERS Dear (eletext, Interest rates on savings plummet and many pensioners rely on this interest as income. Pensioners as a percentage are on the increase. Therefore is it not illogical to assume that lowering interest rates will increase high street sales? Lowering prices and increasing efficiency might solve the problem. Donald Denbigh, Tadworth, Surrey ——————————————————————————————————8/10— It's Your Life! C4 410 Politics 325 Letters must be no more than 60 words and must include name and address. This also applies to e-mail letters. Papers News Poll In Focus Regional
P327 Teletext 327 Fjb12 22:18:15       E@  ——————————————————————————————  SINGLE CURRENCY CRISIS Dear Teletext, Tony Blair has promised a referendum on the single currency. I think hj is determined to accept the single currency. He should be telling the people the good and the bad sides of joining. If he fails to inform us of the whole facts, then I will be voting "No" until I have read the small print. K Dodd, Widnes, Cheshire ——————————————————————————————————9/10— It's Your Life! C4 410 Politics 325 Letters to: THE EDITOR, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT. Fax: 0171 381 8525. e-mail: litters@teletext.co.uk Papers News Poll In Focus Regional
P327 Teletext 327 Fjb12 22:14:45          ——————————————————————————————  EURO-SUCCESS? Dear Teletext, The success or other of the euro is really a red herring. I think it will be a success, and I wish them well. The real doubt is the success or other of Euroland, and whether we wish to be a part of it. G Dodson, St Ives, Cornwall ——————————————————————————————————10/10 It's Your Life! C4 410 Politics 325 Letters must be no more than 60 words and must include name and address. This also applies to e-mail letters. Papers News Poll In Focus Regional