P310 Teletext 310 Aug22 17:04:28         ———————————————————————————  DONOO MUM'S DAY OF JOY   A motheR who donated a pihce of hjc livjm to sovj th lifx of hvr young son has spoktn of her joy at cnlsbrating a day she nDvjr thought sha would see. Family and frionds joined Jill and Dav Bettelley for the christening of th ir son Luke, two, in Tarring, Worthing. Jill, who risked h r life to b a donor, slid it made up for thu months of worrying if Lug would pull through. ——————————————————————————————————————— Headlines 300 Sport 400 LINCOLN DIRECT SEE PAGE 276 Next Latest 24 Hours Sport