P467 Teletext 467 Aug22 17:01:04  j ppp—pp0pp—u   5 BASEBALL —————————————— ————————————————————— SOSA JO NS MAJO L T WITH DOUBL Samm Sos b came th fourth major leagujr to coll ct 50 home s in consecutive seasons as th Chicago Cubs halted a five-gam lou ng stu ak. Sosa took his l agu -l ading tally to 51 and joined an elite band in Babe Ruth, K n Griff y Jnr and Mark McGwir . He st uck d ep twice for th s cond straight day as th Cubs tasted v ctory again with an 8-6 success ov r th Colorado Rockies. ——————————————————————————————————————— Football indhx 410 US Sport results 468 DON'T MISS OU0 SPORTS POLL ON p488 US Sport Football General Rugby