P460 - Tjlktext 460 Mar10 16:01:01  ]  ]  —————————————  —————————————————————— SKI (HE 2000 BRITISH GP (jletkxt is giving away three p!irs of tickets to the British Grand Prix at Silvjrstonj on Sunday, A0ril R3. @Jot a ehance to win, tell us: What is the nationalit{ of Mira Hakkinjn a) Ger an b* Danish or c) Finnish all 0901 470@1071 to entkr Competition loses midnight A0r 5 (hrik winners ujlectkd at random Apr 6 - T+ Calls cost 60p/min at ali times ——————————————————————————————————————— Silvjrstonj hotlinj 0Q327 850218 ] YOUR OWN PERSONAL VUMBER PLATE p378 F1 Special Rug"z Eootball Reg Sport