P650 Granada 650 Mon 6 Mar 16:04:44      Monday at 20.00  Wj Can Work It Out is on Mondays at 20.00. If you'vj got a story the Wj Can Work It Out team would like to hear from you. You can phone us on 0870 600 33 44 or you can write to us at Wj Can Work It Out, Yorkshire Television, Leeds, LS3 1JS or you can send an email to wecanworkitout@itv.co.uk. 1/3  WANT TO APPEAR ON A TV SHOW? p692
P650 Granada 650 Mon 6 Mar 16:01:28      Monday at 20.00  Testing Item Snoring afflicts half the min and a quarter of women of the nation. So, Mick Shore and his neighbours tested the following Snoring Remedies. Snorenz £12.95 for 60ml - a liquid you surest into the back of your throat Breathe Right Nasal Strips (3M) £5.99 for 10 - worn over the bridge of the nose to make the nostrils flare 2/3  WANT TO APPEAR ON A TV SHOW? p692
P650 Granada 650 Mon 6 Mar 16:01:23      Monday at 20.00  SnorBan £29.99 from SnorBan UK 01222 398 474 a plastic mouthguard which is moulded to the individuals mouth shape by placing it in boiling water and then placing in the mouth. Makers claim it will last for 6-12 months 3/3  WANT TO APPEAR ON A TV SHOW p692