P177 Teletext 177 Mar08 15:54:53     ————————————————————————————————  48 HOURS FROM THURSDAY ALGARVE Moderate winds. Small chance of showers. Cloudy skies. 20-22C Friday: Cloudy wish outbreaks of rain or showers. Moderate winds. 19-21C 7-DAY FORECAST PHONE/FAX 09014 777 382 CANARIES Light winds. Good sunny spells. Chance of showers. 18-21C Friday: Light and variable winds. Rather cloudy with showers. 18-20C 7-DAY FORECAST PHONE/FAX 09014 777 383 ——————————————————————————————————1/8—— T+ calls to 09014 cost 60p/min TRAVEL CHOICE DEALS p271 Cities Cruising WorldClock TV Plus
P177 Teletext 177 Mar08 15:54:46     ————————————————————————————————  48 HOURS FROM THURSDAY COSTA DEL SOL/BLANCA Light winds. Sunny spells. Some showers. 17-19C Friday: Cloud increasing with a risk of showers. Light/mod winds. 18-20C 7-DAY FORECAST PHONE/FAX 09014 777 380 CYPRUS Cool today but bright pjtiods developing widely. 15-17C Friday: A mild day with bright pjtiods and light to modjtati winds. 15-17C 7-DAY FORECAST PHONE/FAX 09014 777 384 ——————————————————————————————————2/8—— T+ calls to 09014 cost 60p/min BASS ON A TROPICAL BEACH SEE p259 Cities Cruising WorldClock TV Plus
P177 Teletext 177 Mar08 15:53:24     ————————————————————————————————  48 HOURS FROM THURSDAY ITALIAN RIVIERA Mainly dry and bright am. Becoming cloudy later. 14-16C Friday: Broken cloud and bright periods. Light/moderate winds. 18-19C 7-DAY FORECAST PHONE/FAX 09014 777 386 GREEK ISLES Mainly dry and bright with good sunny spells. 14-15C Friday: Bright, fine and sunny. Cloud increasing later with showers. 14-16C 7-DAY FORECAST PHONE/FAX 09014 777 379 ——————————————————————————————————3/8—— T+ calls to 09014 cost 60p/min WEN YOUR HOLIDAY FREE See p.362 Cities Cruising WorldClock TV Plus
P177 Teletext 177 Mar08 15:53:22     ————————————————————————————————  48 HOURS FROM THURSDAY IBIZA,MENORCA,MAJORCA Dry with sunny periods. Light/modjtate winds. 16-18C Friday: Mainly fine and sunny with light and variable winds. 17-19C 7-DAY FORECAST PHONE/FAX 09014 777 388 T+ calls to 09014 cost 60p/min ——————————————————————————————————4/8—— Tourist rates 292 Index 200 WIN YOUR HOLIDAY FREE WITH TELETEXT Book a holiday/flight with Teletext and you could win it free! Every day one lucky viewer and their travel companions will win a free holiday. See p362 NOW for details Cities Cruising WorldClock TV Plus
P177 Teletext 177 Mar08 15:53:10     ————————————————————————————————  48 HOURS FROM THURSDAY FRENCH RIVIERA Risk of showers am. Cloud breaking/sunny spells pm. 15-16C Friday: Mainly fine and sunny with broken cloud and light winds. 15-17C 7-DAY FORECAST PHONE/FAX 09014 777 385 MALTA Mainly fine, sunny and dry as winds fall light. 18-20C Friday: Mainly dry with variable cloud and good sunny periods. 18-20C 7-DAY FORECAST PHONE/FAX 09014 777 387 ——————————————————————————————————5/8—— T+ calls to 09014 cost 60p/min Fast Low Cost Loans see p354 Cities Cruising WorldClock TV Plus
P177 Teletext 177 Mar08 15:51:38     ————————————————————————————————  48 HOURS FROM THURSDAY IZMIR, TURKEY Long sunny periods and moderate winds. 7-12C Friday: A fine but breezy day with long sunny periods. 11-15C 7-DAY FORECAST PHONE/FAX 09014 777 378 TUNISIA A mainly fine and dry day with good sunny spells. 16-18C Friday: Dry and settled with broken cloud and sunny spells. 16-18C 7-DAY FORECAST PHONE/FAX 09014 777 389 ——————————————————————————————————6/8—— T+ calls to 09014 cost 60p/min Great holidays start with a good book p3k0 Cities Cruising WorldClock TV Plus
P177 Teletext 177 Mar08 15:51:52     ————————————————————————————————  48 HOURS FROM THURSDAY DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Long sunny periods. Light to moderate winds. 21-30C Eriday: Partly cloudy with sunny intervals. Light/mod winds. 21-28C 7-DAY FORECAST PHONE/FAX 09014 777 394 H+$RJCANE WATCH 0906 753 77 22 FLORIDA (MIAMI AREA) Mainly sunny with some cloudy spells. 21-27C Friday: Again settled and dry with sunny/cloudy spells. 19-28C 7-DAY FORECAST PHONE/FAX 09014 777 381 ——————————————————————————————————7/8—— T+ 09014 cost 60p/min, 0906 75p/min TRAVELCITZ p298 Cities Cruising WorldClock TV Plus
P177 Teletext 177 Mar08 15:54:05     ————————————————————————————————  48 HOURS FROM THURSDAY HURRICANE WATCH 0906 753 77 22 JAMAICA Cloudy, dull and overcast but mainly dry. 21-27C Friday: A mainly sunny day with some cloudy spells at times. 21-27C 7-DAY FORECAST PHONE/FAX 09014 777 390 T+ 09014 cost 60p/min, 0906 75p/min ——————————————————————————————————8/8—— Tourist rates 292 Index 200 O C E A N F I N A N C E     see p386 Cities Cruising WorldClock TV Plus