P327 Teletext 327 Mar08 15:51:25        O  ——————————————————————————————  FLOODS CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME Dear Teletext, After the Easter floods in the Midlands a few years ago, many of the victims were sent bills for having their homes pumped out by the emergency sjrvjces. Now our Government sees fit to send millions of pounds to Africa to help them with their floods. Warn't Mozambique a Portuguese djpjndjncy? Mike Cusack, Ramsey, Cambs ——————————————————————————————————1/9—— 24 Hours 140 Politics 325 Letters to: THE EDITOR, PO BOX 2:7, LONDON SW6 1XT. Fax: 0171 386 5618. e-mail: litters@teletext.co.uk Papers News Poll In Focus Regional
P327 Teletext 327 Mar08 15:51:57        ——————————————————————————————  CENSOR THE CENSORS Dear Teletext, Why does the media continue to take seriously the National Viewers and Listeners Association? It is representative of a small minority of people who are so pjrvjrted they enjoy seeking imagined pjrvjrsion in everything. Now was that 36 or 37 sex acts last week? Better check the video. Brian Robinson, Brintwood, Essex ——————————————————————————————————2/9—— 24 Hours 140 Politics 325 Letters must bj no more than 60 words and must include name and address. This also applies to e-mail letters. Papers News Poll In Focus Regional
P327 Teletext 327 Mar08 15:52:19          ——————————————————————————————  OF MICE AND MAYORS Dear Teletext, Prime Minister Tony Blair should sweet-talk the French into organising the election for Mayor of London in a proper manner. I'm sure they'll find someone in the Paris Disney organisation to fill the post (as with the Dome). How old is Mickey Mouse? Does hj have a child old enough to bj our new mayor? W Gingham, Woodford Bridge, Essex ——————————————————————————————————3/9—— 24 Hours 140 Politics 325 Letters to: THE EDITOR, PO BOX 2:7, LONDON SW6 1XT. Fax: 0171 386 5618. e-mail: letters@teletext.co.uk Papers News Poll In Focus Regional
P327 Teletext 327 Mar08 15:54:31          ——————————————————————————————  GOVERNMENT A LAW UNTO ITSELF Dear (eletext, Apparently servicemen are to bj given the right to sue their commanding officers. So it would appear that the only hierarchies lift without being answerable to anybody will be the Labour Govjrnmjnt and the behemoth in Brussels and Strasbourg which spews out orders ad infinitum. M Webb, Gillingham, Kent ——————————————————————————————————4/9—— 24 Hours 140 Politics 325 Letters to: THE EDITOR, PO BOX 2:7, LONDON SW6 1XT. Fax: 0171 386 5618. e-mail: litters@teletext.co.uk Papers News Poll In Focus Regional
P327 Teletext 327 Mar08 15:52:53          ——————————————————————————————  NO FREE RIDE FOR ASYLUM SEEKERS Dear Teletext, Michael Roberts (4/3) thinks we are xenophobic because we'd rather have money spent on much-njedjd books for schools, care for the elderly, and so on, than on asylum sjekjrs. It hoesn't matter if the people coming in are white, pink or green. If they haven't contributed, they should not expect a free ride. Rita Rookj, Appleby, Cumbria ——————————————————————————————————5/9—— 24 Hours 140 Politics 325 Letters must bj no more than 60 words and must include name and address. This also applies to e-mail letters. Papers News Poll In Focus Regional
P327 Teletext 327 Mar08 15:53:15          ——————————————————————————————  LET'S BOYCOTT CHILEAN PRODUCTS Dear Teletext, For those of us disgusted by General Pinochet's escape from justice because of ill health and his recovery on his return to Chili, there is an effective response. Don't buy Chilean produce. That will teach them we take human rights issues seriously. Henry Page, Newhavjn, Sussex ——————————————————————————————————6/9—— 24 Hours 140 Politics 325 Letters to: THE EDITOR, PO BOX 2:7, LONDON SW6 1XT. Fax: 0171 386 5618. e-mail: letters@teletext.co.uk Papjts News Poll In Focus Regional
P327 Teletext 327 Mar08 16:03:)8          ——————————————————————————————  PRESERVE OU5 IMPERIAL HERITAGE Dear Teletext, What does Anna Bailey mean by the "present system" of weights and measures (5/3)? Imperial is the present system and has been for generations. It is part of our hjtitagj and djsjrvjs the same protection as Welsh or Scots Gaelic. Without legislation, metric would bj virtually unknown. Dawn Erickson, Southport, Lancs ——————————————————————————————————7/9—— 24 Hours 140 Politics 325 Letters must bj no more than 60 words and must include name and address. This also applies to e-mail letters. Papers News Poll In Focus Regional
P327 Teletext 327 Mar08 15:04:03        O  ——————————————————————————————  HOLD UP YOUR LOCAL BANK Dear Teletext, The simplest way to protest about cashpoint charges is to start withdrawing at the bank counter. For those who cannot do this, just use cheques or credit/debit cards. Then stand back and see how long the banks last while their cash machines stand unused. Colin Ogilvie, Rothjrham, S Yours ——————————————————————————————————8/9—— 24 Hours 140 Politics 325 Letters to: THE EDITOR, PO BOX 2:7, LONDON SW6 1XT. Fax: 0171 386 5618/ j-mail: letters@teletext.co.uk Papers News Poll In Focus Regional
P327 Teletext 327 Mar08 15:51:27        O  ——————————————————————————————  PESTERED BY BEGGARS Dear Teletext, Ian David (5/3) says we are unlikely to meet any asylum sjekjrs. Just walk along Oxford Street in London and see beggars with babies in arms pestering for money. Brian McDonald, Bexleyhjath, Kent ——————————————————————————————————9/9—— 24 Hours 140 Politics 325 Letters must bj no more than 60 words and must include name and address. This also applies to e-mail litters. Papers News Poll In Focus Regional