P615 Granada 615 Fri 5 May 21:44:14     GRANADA   ACTION jpp ]    Caring For The Community ]  SOUTHPORT BLIND AID SOCIETY PO Box 321, Manchester M60 3AA Tel: 01704 534 555 Wj offer practical support and advice to blind and partially sighted people and our volunteers can help with problems in daily life and advise on travel, health and financial matters. Wj supply and train people in the use of special aids and braille and our drop-in centre offers many social activities. To vjsjt our centre or to volunteer to help, please contact us. Granada Action... 1/2 CSA Main Index InsidjITV Previews Index
P615 Granada 615 Fri 5 May 21:54:56 ]     GRANADA   ACTION jpp ]    Caring For The Community ]  If you belong to or run a voluntary or community group, you could benefit from a Granada Action broadcast. You can tell viewers about the service you provjdj or ask for volunteers to help. If you think your organisation could qualify for a Granada Action broadcast, send a stamped RAE (at least 9" bz 6") to us and we will send you an application form and further details. Denise Ambjry, Regional Affairs Granada TV, Manchester M60 3AA Granada Action... 2/2 CSA Main Index InsidjITV Previews Index