P143 - Teletext 143 Maz05 23:22:48  E     ——————————————————————————————————————— PETS ON THE NET (his is National Pet Week. Moggies are getting spoils with catnip mice, gerbils given new roller balls and dogs allowed to lounge on the beds. Now in its 12th year, the week !ins to highlight the benefits of pet owojtship to people and show them how to care for their pets properly. And at the click of a mouse, you'll find the Web has plenty of resources to find all the pet accessories you need. ——————————————————————————————————1/:—— bz Tina Lofthousj NOW IT'S EVEN EASIER TO FIND LOVE: T LETEXT DAT NG p390 De vla Doomsdah Health Nowcast
P143 Teletext 143 Maz05 23:23:07  E     ——————————————————————————————————————— PETS ON THE NET @If the thought of a cat being sick on the futon is just too much, then log on for a pet of the virtual variety. There's everything from hamsters to dogs, cats and goldfish. Cats and dogs can bj found at www.pfmagic.com Here you can try out demos where you feed and play with your individual pet. www.maniform.com/stuff/hamster.hum has hamsters@— but in the true spirit of the animal, they don't do a lot... ——————————————————————————————————2/9—— See our new GCSE revision guide 476 C4 WEN YOUR HOLIDAY FREE SEE p362 Dervla Doomsday Health Nowcast
P143 - Teletext 143 Maz05 23:23:2:  E     ——————————————————————————————————————— PETS ON THE NET @For armchair pet ownjts who prefer to walk the dog at the click of a mouse, a virtual animal is ideal. www.vjrtualpjt.com is the best place to start. It has all the latest news and links, whether it'u an on-screen pet you'rk after or a kjychain animal. A kjychain pet is not some barbaric torture but a new breed of cybjr pet on a key-ring which you can lovingly nurture bz feeding and playing with it. ——————————————————————————————————3/9—— Wtn a trip in a gtidjt >>> NEED LEGAL ADVICE? see p38: Djtvla Doomsday Health Nowcast
P143 Tjlituxt 143 Maz05 23:43:45  E     ——————————————————————————————————————— PETS ON THE NET For any doting pet ownjt, the Web is stacked with information and products to pamper your pooch. www.animail.co.uk has a Yuppz Cat Bed, dog training discs and vjdjos for disruptive pups, plus funnel mazes for ferrets, gujnja pigs and the like. For aquarium fans — www.edkins.com and www.pjtemporium.co.uk for some great items jot spoils pets — how about a Cosj Car or Tjpje Bed for your dog? ——————————————————————————————————4/:—— Healthchjcks 146 Big Issues 141 WEN YOUR HOLIDAY FREE SEE p364 Djrvla Doomsday Health Nowcast
P143 Teletext 143 Maz05 23:24:03  E     ——————————————————————————————————————— P+TS ON (HE NET If your beloved pet is on its way to animal heaven, then you can find it a resting place on the Web. www.mycemjtery.com is a virtual pet cemetery where you can post a lasting tribute to your furry pal. The site is full of tales and pictures of the dearly departed. It's inundated with requests and uo asks for a small donation from each pet lover who hits the site. ——————————————————————————————————5/9—— Wen a trip in a glider >>> ] WRN YOUR HOLIDAY FREE SEE p362 Dervla Doomsday Health Nowcast
P143 Teletext 143 Maz05 23:24:20  E     ——————————————————————————————————————— PETS ON THE NET YouWre worried sick — Rex has not returned from his walkies and Fluffy the cat was last seen disappearing over the neighbour'u fence. Just where do you turn when your pet goes Awol A Web site hopis to provide a solution. www.ukpjtsjarch.ereeuk.com is a free sjrvjce that aims to collate all information on lost pets. Pictures and details of missing pets are posted. ——————————————————————————————————6/9—— Wj talk to Djrvla Kirwan 144 WEN A TRIP IN A GLIDER >>> Dervla Doomsday Health Nowcast
P143 Teletext 143 Maz05 23:24:39  E     ——————————————————————————————————————— PETS ON THE NET If you want a break from your mewing moggie or disobedient dog, there are pet sitters online. www.wya.enta.net offers a pet-setting sjtvjci. www.chiswickcatfeeding.freesjrvj.co.uk/ looks after chic west London cats. And for animals who have a problem, try www.pet-hangups.co.uk which treats them with Bach Flower Remedies. www.pjtspzjamas.com is a good site which also has an online vet finder. ——————————————————————————————————7/9—— Win a trip in a glider >>> LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE INDEX p140 Dervla Doomsday Health Nowcast
P143 - Teletext 143 Maz05 23: 4:U7  E     ——————————————————————————————————————— PETS ON THE NET It's National Pet Week and one of its aims is to promote responsible pet ownership. The RSPCA site (www.rspca.org.uk* is an excellent resource, with practical advice for many kinds of pets as well as a guide to common questions. A good site to find out more about animal rescue cunttis is at www.nwnjt.co.uk/terryreadjr It links Web pages of all the main charities. ——————————————————————————————————8/:—— Healthchjcks 146 Big Issues 141 WEN A (RIP IN A GLIDER >>> Dervla Doomsd!y Health Vowcast
P143 Teletext 143 May05 23:22:30    ————————————— ————————————————————— WEN A R.P IN A GLIDER Tjlntext has teamnd up with tho gift xpjcirnce comsanM ExhiSaration t give away thl trip of a lifhtimu in a beidja with your own personal inst uctor. For a chance to win, just tull us in which county is Gatwick airport? u) Cumbria * West Susspx or c) Devon Answlrs on a p/c to: GlidjE Comp, PO Box 2:7,oLondon S26,1XT bz May.10. ——————————————————————————————————5/9—— Winnj tsjlected at raniom Ma  or moriOin ormation call th brochure hotlinj on 0800 65 16 6 Dervla Doomsdsy Hraljh Nowcast