P351 Teletext 351 Maz05 23:22:11 ] 1/3 * * * * * * * * * " "   * * * = * * ] "Stars In (heir Eyes" tries to bj diffirknt every year. ] Inc dibly in liven years, artist s such as Marilyn Monroe, Adam Ant, ] Sade, Midge Uri, Mick Jagger, Grace Jones, Ricky Martin, Lou Bega, Christina Aquilera, Purry Como, ] Aritha Franklin and many, many more ] have njvjr appeared on the show. MORE >>> ] Wjathjr TV Plus Sport News
P351 Teletext 351 Maz05 23:23:14 * * * * :/3* * EVER WANTED TO APPEAR ON * " "  / p5j 55uj—z jjj 5jjjpjj 5 u0j u0p5b ] Have you ever fancied walking through those magic doors and being transformed into your musical idol? If you fancy your chance, all you have to do is call ]   for an application form. The only criteria - brsjdjs bjin7 able to sing of course - is that you have to bj at least 14 years old * to apply. * * * MORE >>> Wjathjr TV Plus Sport News
P351 Teletext 351 Maz05 23:23:47 3/3 You should receive your application form within a couple of weeks of calling the appeal line. Whim you get your form,complete it & send it back. ] You'll need to include a recent photo %@a recording of you singing as the artist you want to bj. All the info. you need to know will bj on the form. And then, I'm afraid we have to ask for your patience. Wj receive over 10,000 applications every year, & thjsj take months to process. Please don't call us, if you are successful wi will contact you Don't be too disappointed if you'ri not picked this time. It took Paul Doody three years to get on our show and then hj became our Series 7 Live ] Final Wjnnjr as Matte Pillow. Good luck & we look forward to receiving your application. For more info call Granada TV on 0161 834 7211 Wjathjr TV Plus Sport News