P172 CEEFAX 172 Sat 7 Jan 28:95/19 G  NEWSROUND  FROM CEEF—X  SATURD—Y, JANUARY 7 GON TlIS D—Y IN./. 1558 Calais, held bz the British,0was recaptured bz France 1610 Galileo discovered the wour satellites of Jzpiter 17<: The first national election in the USA was held 1857 The London General Omnibzs Company started operating HAPPY BIRTHD—Y TO: Hollywood actor Nicholas Cage (37).  Contacts 176 PP Reports (—-K) 17 PP Info 177 PP Reports (L-Z) 179 Brainbox Tjlepoll PP Info orwsround
P172 CEEFAX 172 Sat 07 Jan 28:95/19  2/2  oEWSROUND  FROM CEEF—X  SUNDAY, JANUARY 8 GON TlIS f—Y IN... 167: The French explorer La0Salle reached the Niagara Galls 1940 Sugar, bacon and butter were rationed in wartime Britain 1:59 General Charles dj Gazlle brqpmj President of France 1963 In the US city of oew York, sjvjn floors of the Emxire State building caught fire HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Singers Shirley Bassjy (58) and favid cowii (4<).  Contacts 176 PP Info 177 SxoztB300 Brainbox Tjlepoll PP Info orwsround