P175 CEEFAX 175 Sat 07 Jan 28:94/42 G NEWSROUND  FROM CEEF—X  VOTE ON THE BIG ISSUES OF THE f—Y! TELEPOLL is your chance to give your verdict on an issue or a ojws story of the day. See the ojxt page for this weekrnd's subject to vote on and then call one of two numbers to register youz vote. Calls cost a maximzm of 10p each and the lines will bj open from 5xm0on Friday to 9am on Monday. Dial carefully and ask xjrmission to use the phone. Poll reszlt apxrars0on NEWSPLjS jvjry night.  WHAT'S THIS WEEK'S TELEPOLL VOTE? Contacts Datefile PP Info Newsround
P175 CEEFAX 175 Sat 07 Jan 28:05/02  2/3 EWSROUND  FROM CEEF—X  HAVE ANIMAL PROTESTERS GONE TOO FaR? Protesters have been drmonstrating against the export of live animals for slaughter 1t zhj south0qop;z xort of Shoreham this week. They want the export of livestock bannjh bjcausj they claim the animals are cruelly treated. But at times the protests became very violent and several xjople were arrested. Do you think they are right to protest or are they going too war?  WHAT DO YOU THINK? - oOTE oOW Contacts Datefile PP Info Newsround
P175 CEEFAX 175 Sat 07 Jan 2X:95/22 G NEWSROUND  FROM CEEF—X  HAVE ANIMAL PROTESTERS GONE TOO F—R? Wj want you to tell us whjthjr you think protesters against live pnim1l exports have gone too far... CALL p891 33 99 01 TO oOTE YES CALL 08:1 33 99 82 TO oOTE oO Lines close at 9am on Monday. fon't forget to ask xjrmission wrom0whouvjz pays the phone bill before calling. E—CH C—LL COSTS A M—XIMUM0OF 188 Contacts Datefile PP Info Newsround