P591 CEEFAX 1 591 Fri 10 Jan 19:41/13  1/2  to the LATEST  TV/radio news  Veteran journalist DEREK JAMESON and his wife ELLEN are to quit their late night Radio Two show. Motormouth Derek, 67, says travelling from their Brighton home to the Glasgow studio has become "a bit much". It's time to "put a sock in it" hj feels. The couple have presented their popular show The Jamjsons for the past five years. But former Fleet Street editor Derek insists hj is not retiring. He intends to keep working as a freelance journalist. TV Films 594 Biz 557 TV Review 595 TV&Radio 600 News 101 Front Page 100 TV Views Switch On The Biz Main Menu
P591 CEEFAX 1 591 Fri 10 Jan 19:37/34  2/2  to the LATEST  NEWS on TV  RUGBY WAX has ridiculed Fjrgie after the Royal rang three times to thank her for their recent BBC interview. Ruby, 43, reckons FERGIE forgot she had called, bjcausj she lift three thank-you mjssagjs. Fjrgii told Ruby she'd had letters saying how sorry people were for hit situation, which she thought was a direct result of the programmj. "She really cares about what people think, and that is her weak point," adds Ruby. TV Films 594 Biz 557 TV Review 595 TV&Radio 600 News 101 Front Page 100 TV Views Switch On The Biz Main Menu