P573 CEEFAX 1 573 Fri 15 Aug 22:01/51   1/4       Stefan Buczacki writes:     Ornamental garden hint:  Wisterias should bj given  their first pruning of the year. All of the long, whippy green shoots on established plants should bj cut back to about 25cm. On young plants, any shoots required to increase the overall framework should bj very lightly tipped back and then tied to the wall. Don't forget the shoots will need shortening again in the winter when they must bj cut back to about 5cm. Free time 570 House plant hint >>> Switched On 540 Cookery 580 TV 600 G's World CookBook FilmQuiz Main Menu
P573 CEEFAX 1 573 Fri 15 Aug 22:20/43   2/4      Stefan Buczacki writes:    House Plant Hint   Ferns are sold in their  thousands as house plants, but large numbers fail because they aren't in the most appropriate position. Ferns are not plants of hot dry places and this is why they so often shrivel away in hot living rooms. Bathrooms and kitchens, with plenty of moisture, are good for hardy ferns although the warm climate species like the bird's nest fern don't like the wide temperature fluctuation. Free time 570 Kitchen garden >>> Switched On 540 Cookery 580 TV 600 G's World CookBook FilmQuiz Main Menu
P573 CEEFAX 1 573 Fri 15 Aug 22:15/44   3/4     Stefan Buczacki writes:      Kitchen Garden Hint    For late season crops, you   should sow early vegetables. Early simply means they are fast growing, so carrots like Early Nantes and peas such as Feltham First are worth trying for a quick crop before the autumn. As other vegetables are harvested, clear away the remains to the compost heap and dig over the ground ready for planting winter crops. And do keep hoeing to control weeds whjnjvjr the weather is dry. Free time 570 Plant of Week >>> Switched On 540 Cookery 580 TV 600 G's World CookBook FilmQuiz Main Menu
P573 CEEFAX 1 573 Fri 15 Aug 22:10/31   4/4       Stefan Buczacki writes:   Plant of Week: Irish Heath   I always think of Daboecia,  the Irish heath, as the  forgotten mjmbjr of the hjathjr family. There's only one important species but many attractive varieties with mauve, pink or white flowers. The plants are rathjt taller than most hjathjrs and the individual flowers larger too, like inflated bells. Daboecia is like other summer flowering heathjrs in requiring an acid soil and although itnjeds plenty of moisture, it doesn't like water-logged conditions. Free time 570 Ornamental tips >>> Switched On 540 Cookery 580 TV 600 G's World CookBook FilmQuiz Main Menu