P551 CEEFAX 1 551 Mon 03 Jan 23:15/32  3/3   FILMS on   general   release EDTV (12) TV producer Ellen DeGeneres follows the life of video clerk Matthew McConaughey 24-hours-a-day. END OF DAYS (18) Ex-cop Schwarzjneggjr is on the case when the Prince of Darkness arrives in New York looking for a bride to take the world on as the Millennium turns. Good effects. FANTASIA 2000 (U) Stunning update of Disney's 1940 classic, featuring a blend of animated sequences and classical music. Initially to be released at IMAX cinemas only. Showbiz 540 Music 560 TV/Radio 600 Top Film 553 Index 541 TV Choice 593 Films Rjvjew Music Main Menu