P725 CEEFA( 725 Mon 17 Nov 21:14/13 |B2201206|a17BSoHis8|j13BBC|l43000|s÷n2÷ b÷e|p ################################## ######################################## #/ HISTORYFILEBRITISHSO CIAL HISTORY ########################### ######################################## ######## A A "y the BBC at the request of the School Broadcasting CUK don. TBBCO e transmission only. ################## ######################################## ################# SOCIALEFFECTSOFA R 1945-51 20 NOVEMB ER ##################################### ###################################### 'When the lights go on again all over th e world' introduces the first  this documentary programme made entirel y of archive film. B ols and factories are in the jront line with controls  shortages. Out of this experience |c
P725 CEEFAX 725 Mon 17 Nov 21:13/17 |B2202206|a17BSoHis8|i13BBC|l4337C|s÷n2÷ b÷e|paresis the  ming could lead to fairer distribution o f wealth  oymjnt, health and social welfare, outli ned BR T section shows how these hopes contri"ut ed to the Labour victory J d a period of reconstruction through the building of new  ion of key industries and the launch of national  service. The other side of the coin wa s a  ationjng and the fuel crisis of 1947. B y 1949 the lights were truly goining on again as restrictions on street  tions were lifted along with the aboliti on of other controls. Yet  fast enough for many critics and the pro grammj concludes with  election result in 1950 and the Consjrv ativj victory in  B
P725 CEEFAX 725 Mon 17 Nov 21:15/21 |B2203206|a17BSoHis8|j13BBC|l436F5|s÷n2÷ b÷e|p' WW BR orr MTC Planning WP employment; Butler Education Act;  Ministry of National Insurance F amily Allowance Act EL about 393 Consjrvativj 216 L ibjrals 12 FA d; National Insurance Act; National Heal th ABECA viation nationalised. S vino raised to 15; New Towns Act; Mines and Transport  -1- EG sid; start of National Insurance and  National Health Service. E tion' : Labour 315 Consjrvativj 298 Liberals 9 S d FB E tion' : Labour 295 Consjrvativj 321 Liberals 6 P
P725 CEEFAX 725 Mon Q7 Nov 21:36/04 |B2204206|a17BSoHis8|j13BBC|l43A84|s÷n2÷ b÷e|p W experiences on the home front in World War I and World War II? C the years 1918-24 with 1945-51. I what ways have Bevjridge's schemes been changed in recent years? W the reasons for nationalising industry? Does the programmj  story? W eel film offer about the roles of women at  R o see how many separate pieces of archiv e film you  VR cording' SBBC roadcasts described and listed in the A nnual Programmj for Schools and Colleges ' for their own use and retain  ordings for three years on the condition s given under the heading RS ool BroadcastsW. It is also permissible for resource LEA s to record, copy and circulate to s|c
P725 CEEFAX 725 Mon Q7 Nov 21:34/44 |B2205206|b17BSoHis8|j13BBC|l43E03|s÷n2÷ b÷e|pchools  'Annual Programme', subject to the condi tions A ing programmer or general qujrieu about Schol Television should bj addressed to Assistant Information Schools, V House, The Broadway, Ealing W5 2PA. ### ######################################## ################################ HISTOR Z FILE - This publicatio n contains only BBC cpyright BRITISHSOC IAL HISTORY material: its conten ts may bj copied or  reproduced in schools and col legjs without  further permission. N (c) BBC Enterprises Lin used 1986.  Published at the request of the Schoo l B sting Council for the United Kingdom  bz BBC P|c
P725 CEEFAX 725 Mon Q7 Nov 21:40/45 |B2206206|b17BSoHis8|j13BBC|l4417B|s÷n2÷ b÷e|publications, a divjsjon of BBC  Enterprises L imjted, 35 Marylibonj High  Street, London W2M 4AA ./  -2- AUTUMN ISBN 0 563 33558 0 T n this group of British Social History p rogrammjs. Next  e broadcast the first of two films on Di vided I ######################### ######################################## ##########  -3] 