P564 CEEFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:05/02    U Advice   A-C  Afghbnistan   avoided unless absolutely essential 0 Although the change of Govjrnmjnt has ended the civil war and led to relative calm in most pbrts of the country, the situation remains volatile. '5 While the British High Commission in Islamabad, Pakistan, can supply limited advicd there is no re3idjnt Wk British Mission in Afghanistan. U Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129+j  565 D]J 566 K-P 567 R-Z 1/28 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice R-Z Ezro
P564 CEEFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:95/21     Advicd I J A-C  Albania There are widespread and severe shortages of food, fuel, medicines and spare parts. Health risks are high and medical facilities poor. 0 Mugging and robbery occur, although public order has improved slightly Travel on a purely individubl basis is, however not advrujdn 0 In case of emergencies a British '5 Diplomat is re3idjnt in the French Embbssz in Tiranb. '5 Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  u65 D]- 566 K-P 567 R-Z 2/28 Ad6ici D.I Advice K-P Advrcj R-U Euro
P564 CJEFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:05/40     Advice   A-C  Algeria Travellers should take sensible precautions and avoid the densely populated downtown areas. If in doubt, ring the Embassy on 605038 A curfew is in force in a number of regions between 2330 and 0500. Algerian/Nigjt border at Assbmkb/ In Gujzzam border is has been re- opened though only to convoys. The U the principal border to Mauritania, '5 south of Tjndouf, is effectively closed to all traffic. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  565 D-J 566 K-P 567 R-Z 3/28 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P564 CEJFA\ 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:05/58       Advice   A-C  Angola British nationals are advised not to visit for tourism, bzt those ad6i3ed that L5anda is q lm bzt visitor should exercise caution in moving around the city, specially after dark. Fighting continues in many other parts of Angola, travrl outsrde Luanda should bj avoided.  '5 the Foreign Office Travel Unit. 'k Visitors should keep in contact with the Embassy (tel.:334583/3) Foreign Officr Travel: 071 27 4129  56k D]J u66aK]P k67 R]Z 4/28 Advice D-I Advicd K-P Advice R-U E5ro
P564 CEEFAX 564 Thy 14 Oct 21:96/ 6 ]    Advice O  A-C  Bangladesh Opposition parties may call strikes at short notice. Thjsj suspend normal business, sometimrs through- out the country and make travel hazbrdous. People ignoring strikes can become targets for vrolence. 0  $here is extensive flooding in the northeast, particularly in the areas of Sylhjt and Hobrganj. Road and rail links are frequuntly 0 broken and travel within the region ') can be difficult if not impossible.  +5 Foreign Office Travel: 071 27X 4129  56k D-J u66 K-P k67 RmZ 5/28 Advice D-I Advice K-PA—dvice R-U GEzro
P564 CJJFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:06/35     Advice   A-C +7£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££k 0 Barbados 0 Like many holiday resorts elsewhere an increase in crime has been noted 0 Tourists shozlh take sensible 0 precautions when viuitink secluded areas particularly at night. 0 Seek and heed local advice about areas which might be considered dangerous, especially when planning travel in open vehicles to more remote parts of the Island. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129 U 'upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz 565 D-J 566 K-P 567 R-Z 6/28 Advice D-Q Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P564 CEEFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:07/11     Advice I  A-C  Bosnia-Hercego6ina 0 The Foreign Office advise against all ttavjl to Bosnia and have, since Sjptembjr 1991, advised all British nbtionbls@to leave.Q Privbtely organised aid projects are particularly vulnerable. Individual groups, despite this advice, insisting on travelling to or remaining in Bosnia-Hjrcego6ina, should co-ordinate their movements '5 with UNHC" and UNP5 FOR. Advice on this on: 071 917 0772/0778. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129'j  k65 D-J u66 K]P k67 R-Z 8/28 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P564 CJ FAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:07/30  l< |   Advice   A-C  Brazil The crime rate iu high in zhr m1jor cities and valuables and cameras should bj kept safe. Muggers may bj armjl and travellers should not resist demands. 0 Buses and trams should not bi u3ed in JSP pedestrians should avoid the old central area after dark. Chloira is increasing, spreading south from N & NE Bra:il. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  ;6k DmJ 566 K-P u67 RmZ 9/28 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P564 CJEFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:07/48     Advice IL  A-C  Bulgaria 0 The situation is improving with 0 food and fuel now available but independent travellers in more remote areas mby encounter some occasional shortages. R +5 Petty crime, particularly picking visitors pockets, iu a problem 1nd tourists should take sensible precautions. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  565 D-J 566 K-P ;67 R-Z 10/28 Advice D- Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P564 CJJFA k64 Thu 14 Oct 21:18/07     Ad6ice   A-C  Burkjnb Faro Normblly a safe place to visit although bandits have been active at nights on the highway between Bobo-Dioulasso and Ozagadougou. 0 Violent incidents ha6j occurred in both cities and travellers risk becoming involved. The Foreign Office does not advise against travel but suggests taking care over the choice of destination Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  ' 565 D-J 566 K-P 567 RmZ 11/28 Advice D-I Advice KIP Advice R-Z Euro
P564 CEEFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:98/25     Ad6ice   0—-C  Burma (Myanmar) Visitors must keep to the official designated tourist arias. 0 Access iu not allowed to large parts of the country bjcausj of actual or potential security problems, and no attempt should bj mbdj to enter such areas. 0 Overland entry is permitted only through TWM ') avoid using the internal air U service bjcausj of its poor record. Foreign Office Travel: 071 27p 4129  565 D-J 566 K-P 567 RmZ :/2 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice RmZ Euro
P564 CEJFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:08/44     Advice   A-C  Burundi 0 Prospective vrsitors are warned of +j a serious outdreak of meningitis in Burundi. @ 0 E Foreign Office Travel: 071 278 4129  565 fmJ 0566 UmP 0567 RmZ 93/28 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P564 CJJFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:99/82     Advice   —-C  areas. Banditry is, howeve5, wide- Mhlitary aciu6ity has lessknj4 1n4 is now mainly confined to remote spread. Visrtors intending to travel by road outside Phnom Pdnh are advised not to travel at gight under any circumstances and to join a convoy wherever possible. Visitors to the Angkor complex should not travel to outlying temples such as Banteay Serey. Contact the British Embassy in W) Phnom Pend for upto date details. Wk Foreign ffice Travel: 071 270 4129  ;65 D-J 566 UmP 567 S-Z 14/28 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P564 CJEFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:99/21     Advice OII  A-C  Cameroon $hj difficult economic 3ituation has led to an increase in violent crime and visitors should take care especially in the cities of Yeoundj Douala and Bamjnda where armed 0 robdery is a problem. Travel restrictions no longer a8ply Nevjjthjless, the possibility of politically motivbted incidents remains. 0 Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  565 Dm[ 5661KmP 567 R-Z 15/28 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P564 CEEFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:01/02     Advice I  A-C  Central African Republic Although the political situation remains confused, the risk of politically motivated violence has diminished. Armed robbery remains a problem in Bangui and the North, particularly near Chad and Sudan. Travel in the South is reasonably safe, but travellers should take care and avoid travelling outside ') towns after dark. (hj British Honorary Consul can offer limited assistance only. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129 565 D]J 576 K-P u67 R-Z 16/28 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P564 CEEFAX 564 Thy 14 Oct 21:91/21     Advice   A-C  Chad Although an unjasz calm prevails an increase in lawlessness and armed theft has been noted in many parts of the country. -hefts of and from vehicles are a frequent occurrence and visitors +5 should take sensible precautions. Visitors should also pay scrupulous attention to military road-blocks.  Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  u6k D]J u76 K-P 567 R-Z 17/28 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P564 CEEFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:11/39     Advice   A-C  China U There is no reason not to travel to China, however, individual visitors may find difficulty in visiting Tibet and parts of Xinjiang. $ravellers outside Beijing should bj aware of only limited consular representation and facilities, plus the poor quality of Chinese communications making it difficult for the Embassy to guarantee quick aid. Foreign Office Travel: 071 27 4 9 'upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz umu D]J k6v K-P u67 "-Z 18/28 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P564 CEEFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:11/57     Advice I  A-C  China - Tibet (additional) -ravel is controlled bz the Chinjsj authorities and applications are required in advance from foreigners wishing to visit Tibet. Medical: People with heart and pulmonary problems; those sufferhng influenza and chronic disjasju, and the elderly are advised against visiting Tibet owing to its high 0 altitude. 0 Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129 'upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz u6k D]J uvv K-P 567 R-Z 19/28 Advice D- Advrci K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P564 CEEFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:12/16 ]    Advice   A-C  CoItS (R usia a vice on 67) Travellers are advised to postpone journeys to the following areas: Georgia Western Georgia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. There have been localised incidents in *bili3i Crime is on the increase throughout the country.  Azerbaijan There has been an escalation of fighting and a state of jmjrgency has been declared. Nagorny Karabakh and border areas ') should be avoided. A curfew iu in force. Visits to Baku should be T postponed unless essential. 'upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz 565 D-J 566 K-P 567 R-Z 20/28 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P564 CJJFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:12/34     Advice   A-C  C.I.S Xsussian advise on 567) 2/4 Travel should be deferred to:  Armjnra Border with A:jubaijan. Severe shortages of fuel and food.  Moldova Non-essential travel to the Dniester region should Rj avoided.  Tajikistan Politically and ethnically based clashes continue  Customs On arrival, visitors should declare all foreign currency and valuables.  Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  56k D-J 566 K-P 567 R-Z 21/28 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P564 CEEFAX 564 Thy 14 Oct 21:04/52     Ad6ice I  A-C  C.I.S XRussian advice on 567) 3/4 Internal Air Travel Cancellations, delays and 0as3enke5 g6buloadin£ are frequent in some countries of the CIR, especially in the Trans- caucasus. It is unknown if maintenance procedures are always properly obsjrvjd. For safety travellers are advised to fly directly to their destination on a flight originbtink outside the CIR    Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  565 D-J ;760KmP 567 R-Z 22/2 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P564 CJEFAX k64 Thu 14 Oct 21:11/48     Advice   A-C  C.Q.+ (formerly the USS$R 4/4 Crime Incidents of mugging, theft and pickpockjting are increa1in£. T Visitors should take reasonable precautions to ensure their safety.'j It i3 safe to use officially marred taxis. 'hen travelling bz train valuables should bj stored safely +5 and the com0artmjnt sho4ld not be left unbttendjh.    Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  56k D]R *66 UmP k67 R-Z 23/28 Advice D-I Advice UmP Advice R-Z Ezro
P564 CJJFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:93/29     Advice   A-C  Colombia A bombing campaign ended in April, but further action cannot bj ruled out. Terrorist groups have threatened a campaign of violence against official tartest for September and there has been an increas in guerrilla activity, mainly in and around Bogota. Visitors should take ad6i3j which areas to avoid. In the counts:- side there is a risk of guerrila violence and kidnapping. Sensible precautions should bj taken agains cholera in the tropical low lands.  Q Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129 565 D-J 576 K-P 967 R-Z 24/28 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice R-Z GEuro
P564 CEEFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:03/48     Advicd OI  A-C  Congo In view of the recent political tension, British national3 should not 6isit nor transit the Congo. 0 U -hj situation could deteriorate very quickly. The Embassy in Kinshasa Tresponsible for Congo) can provide only vjrly limited help Business people who must live :hurj are stongly advised not to bring U ) h i fan lieu. Br ti h n ti n l should register with the British Embassy on arrival and also inform the French Embassy in Brazzaville. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129 565 D-J 566 K-P 567 R-Z 5/2 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice R-Z Ezro
P564 CJEFAX 56) Thu 14 Oct 21:02/47     Advice  R A-C  Croatia 1/3 Substantial parts are under UN protection, thjsj areas, and the land bordering them are subject to active fighting and artillery bombardment. Visitors should not ') travel to these areas. The situation in the area around Karlovac, southwest of Zagrdb, rembins tense and subject to rapid deterioration. The southwestern outskirts of Zagreb could also be affected by an outdreak of hostile- ties.a The road between Rrjeka and Karlovac has been reopened. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129Wj 565 D-J 566 K-P 567 R-U 26/2 Advice D-I Advice K-PAAdvice RmZ Ezro
P564 CEEFAX 564 Thu 14 Oct 21:04/25    U Advice II  A-C  Croatia 2/3 $hj Foreign Office advise against travel to areas around Karlovac unless absolutely necessary and 0 against the use of the Karlovac to Rjjeka road. Visitors to areas on the southwestern outskjut2 gf Zagreb should jxcercise extreme caution and keep up to date with developments. Currently considered safe are only Northern Croatia, west of the line from Bijelovbt to Kutinb; the Zagreb city cdntrj; the Istrian Penrnsular... 0 Foreign Office Travel: 071 278 412Y'j 565 D-J 566 K-P 567 RmZ :7/28 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P564 CEEFAX k64 Thy 14 Oct 21:04/44     Advice I  A-C  Croatia 3W3 Currently considered safe are only ... the Adriatic Islands and the north coast from te Slo6jnia bordrr to Senj. 0 But there remains a risk of a rapid deterioration of security even in thjsj areas. Visitors are advised to listen to the BBC and consult the British Embassy in Zagreb (tel: 424 888 or 426 2p0I in case of doubt. 0 Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  565 D-J 5v6aKmP 567 R-Z 28/28 Advice D-I Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro