P565 CJJFAX 565 Thu 14 Oct 21:01/21     Advice   D-J  Djibouti Visitors should not be discouraged U from travelling to Djibouti but venturing beyond the town is not recommended. U Contact the British Honorary Consul upon arrival. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 566 K-P 566 RJU 1/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P565 CJEFAX 565 Thu 14 Oct 21:01/49     Advice   D-J  Ecuador  U Roads in Southern Equador are now back to normbl.  It is still relatively safe for tourists provided sensible precau- U tions are taken to safeguard value- abler. Avoid dark streets or alley- ways. In Quito the Panecillo is popular wihh muggers and should be avoided. Take a taxi.  Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 566 UmP 566 RmZ 2/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P565 CJEFAX k65 Thu 14 Oct 21:11/57     Advice II  D-J  Egypt 1/2 Since the summer of 1992 there have been a number of violent incidrnts in Cairo and Upper Egypt aimed at embarrassing the government, including attacks on tourist U targets by Islamic groups in which three foreigners have been killed and several others injured. In early June five Britons on a tourist bus in Cairo were injured in a bomb explosion and in August a River Nile cruise boat, carrying British tourists, was fired on between Assist and Dairut. In mid September another carrying French tourists was foired on in As3uit. u74 A-C 5v6 K-P u76 R-Z 3/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P565 CEJFAX 565 Thu 14 Oct 21:04/26     Advice   D-J  Egypt 2/2  $hj Egyptian authorities are giving the highest priority to protecting visitors, and the great majority experience no security difficulty, but complete security cannot bj guaranteed. Visitors should bj vigilant 1t anl times, avoid the areas of Dairut and Assist unless they have essential business there and are reminded to dress and behave discreetly. Foreing Office Travel: 071 270 4129 *64 A-C 566 K-P 566 RJZ 4/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P565 CEEFAX 565 Thu 14 Oct 21:02/44     A4vice I  D-J  El Salvbdor  Though the civil war has ended there is a growing lawlessness in the country. A number of people have been murdered in the course of U robberies. $ravellers may bj robbed whether in privbte or public transport. The U worst areas are the Pan-America  Highway, aourmd Santa Ana in the U west, the road from San Salvador to the Pacific Coast beach areas and 0 to the east and west of La Libjrtad Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-U 5/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P565 CEEFAX 565 Thu 14 Oct 21:p2/53     Advice I  D-J  Equbtorial Guinea  Although the general situation is calm, there is some danger of political demonstrations leading to violence in the build up to parliamentary elections in December British nbtionbls are advised to be cautious, to take care of their belongings and not to travel after dark.  There is no British Consular presence and in an emjrgjncy help should bj sought from 1n EC embassy Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 576QK]P u66 R-Z 6/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice RJZ Euro
P565 CJJFAX k65 Thu 14 Oct 21:03/11     Advice   D-J  '5 0 Estonia  Visitors should bj aware that crime iu on the increase. Sensible precautions are advisud and walking alone after dark is not recommended.  U   'k +u 0 Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  56) A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 7/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P565 CEEFAX 565 Thu 14 Oct 21:13/30     Advice   D-J  Ethiopia  $hjrj is no reason not to visit as  all places are reasonabz safe but travel after dark should bj avoided if possible.  Visitors should consult the British Embassy in Addis Ababa Tel: 612354, particularly if intending to travel bz roads to areas outside the capital.  Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 8/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P565 CEEFAX 565 Thu 14 Oct 21:13/48     Advice   D-J  The Gambia   Visitors to the Gambia should exercise caution, insure that hotel rooms are secure and avoid leaving hotels on foot at night. 0 Isolated places and unfrequented beaches should be avoided.    Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  56) A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 9/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P565 CEEFAX 565 Thu 14 Oct 21:14/17     Advice  U D-J  Grenada  Although relatively safe for tourists, visitors should take sjnsrble precautions to safeguard valubbleu at all times. 0 They should seek local 1dvice 1bout which areas should bj avoided and pay attention to personal security.      Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 10/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P565 CEEFAX 56k Thu 14 Oct 21:14/35     advice   DmJ  Guatemala  U Violent crime is prevalent through- out the country but jspeciall8 in tourist areas. 0 Many parts are prone to sporadic criminal acti6ity and 6isitors should bj alert at all timer.  Visitors are strongly advised to U register with the British Embassy upon arrival Tel: 321601 And to obtain an up-date of the latest situation. U Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  ;64 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-U 1/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P565 CJEFAX 565 Thu 14 Oct 21:11/58     Advice   D-J  Guinea  $en3ion is mounting in the run-up to the presidential elections on 5 U December. Violent clashes between political demonstrators and the security forces on 27 September resulted in a number of deaths.  Central Conakry is reported to bj calm, but there are sporadic incidents on the outsKirts of the  F  violence are likely. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  u64 A-C 566 K-P )76 RJZ 12/23 Advice A-C Advice KLP Advice R-Z Euro
P565 CJEFAX 565 Thu 14 Oct 21:15/p2     Advice   D-J  Guzbna Wj  $here has been an outbreak of cholera in Gu:ana. Visitors are advised to take care over hygiene, food and drink. There have also been a number of reported cases of typhoid in the capital, Georgetown, and travellers are advised to seek medical advice about immunisation before departure 0 Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 93/23 Advice A-C Advice KLP Advice RmZ E;ro
P565 CEEFAX 56k Thu 14 Oct 21:15/21     Advice   D-J  Haiti  $he internal political situation remains unstable and violence could break out with little warning. British nationals should restrict travel to essential journeys only. Both visitors and and long stay residents/workers should keep in close touch with the British Vice Consul in Port Au Prince: Telephone 573969 or 575445 Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  ' 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 RJZ 4/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P565 CEEFAX 565 Thu 14 Oct 21:15/40     Advice   D-J  India 1/2  India is generally calm and major tourist destinbtions are quiet. But vi3itors should note that thurs 0 have been several cities, including Bombay, Calcutta, Madras and Delhi. Visitors to all major cities should be vigilant.  Following the earthquake, should avoid the Osmanabad districts of Maharasthra state at present.  Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 15/23 Advicd A-C Advice K-P —dvice R-Z E5ro
P565 CJJFAX u65 Thu 14 Oct 21:25/08     Advice   DmJ  India continued.... 2/2 Foreign visitor1 1re ;tronkl= advised to avoid the Kashmir Valley but the Ladakh area is quiet. Visitors should avoid the Ayodhya/ Faizbbad areas of Uttar Pradjsh. 0  Although the security situation in Punjab has improved caztion is still recommended.  Travel to Assbm should bj limited '5 to escorted groups and business visits. 0  Foreign Office Travel: 071 27X 4129  u64 A-C 566 K]P 576 RmZ 16/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P565 CEEFAX 565 Thu 14 Oct 21:06/27     Advice   DmJ  Indonesia Travellers should avoid the island of Krakatau and zhj suuro4nding waters to a distance of 5 km, as the volcano remains active.  Life on the Island of Flores is now more or less back to normal. Card should be taken in getting drinking water and travellers should be awake of the increased risk of mosquito borne disease.  East Timor is quiet but tense.There are isolated clashes between Indonesian troops,armed insurgents. in eastern tip. Exerci5j caution. U  564 A-C 566 K-P 566 RJZ 17/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P565 CJJFAX 565 Thu 14 Oct 21:26/45     Advice   DmJ  Iran  Visitors should take sensible pre- cautions, in particular making sure their travel documentation is in order, including visas.  Photography near any govjrnmjnt installation is prohibited. There is a total ban on video cameras. Visitors should register with the British Embassy in Tehran, tel.: 67k 011, and consult them without 0 delay should problems arise. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  u64 A-C 566 K-P 566 RmZ 18/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P565 CEEFAX 56k Thu 14 Oct 21:15/0k     Ad6ice   D-J  Iraq  British nationals should not attempt to visit Iraq.  0 0 0 Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 19/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P565 CEEFAX 565 Thu 4 Oct 21:07/12     Advice   D-J  Israel 1/2 It is now safe to visit Israel. Visitors to Gazb, the West Bank and tensions and confrontation persist. Stoning or pistol bombing of vehicles still occurs. Security 0 measures in response could affect tourists. Risks are minimisjd by using experienced tour operators or U local taxi drivers. Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 566 K]P 566 RmZ 20/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro
P565 CJJFAX 565 Thu 14 Oct 21:27/38     Advice   D-J +7£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££) Israel 2/2 Visitors should keep in touch with events in Israel and the Occupied Territories, and contact the British Consulates (Tel Aviv and Jerusalem) if they need advice. 0 The Con3ulat-General, Jerusalem, 0 will on request register the names of visitors passing through their consular area. 0 Foreign Office Travel: 071 270 4129  564 A-C 576 K-P u56 R-Z 21/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Ezro
P565 CEEFAX 565 Thu 14 Oct 21:01/14     Advice   DmJ  Vamaica Many visitors enjoy carefree and happy hoidays in Jamaica each year. The Jamaican authorities are taking special measures to protect tourist areas, but visitors should avoid unnrccessary risks.  $hey should watch out for bag snatchers and piakpockteu, leave 5 valuables at home or in the hotel '5 and use licensed taxis preferably. Avoid walking in dow& tor& Khngston after dark. Foreign Office (ravel: 071 270 4129  56) A-C u66 K-P ;66 R-Z 23/23 Advice A-C Advice K-P Advice R-Z Euro