P713 CEEFAX 713 Thu 28 Oct 21:22/36  READHEAR  0WRJTE HEAR  DHERE 1/8  FROM ANGELA RUSSELL OF BUCKINGHAM  $5 "I am a student nurse doing Project 2000. "I was born severely deaf and I can lipread. "My parents' cleaning lady taught mj to speak by endlessly making mj repeat the sounds she made and my father taught mj to read before I went to school, both of which were a tremendous help."   cont... Community Pages 720 Environment 730 Religious World 740 User Guide 198 Subtitles CmntyInfo Envir'nmt Religion
P713 CJEFAX 713 Thu 28 Oct 21:11/51  EADHEAR  WRITE HEAR  DHERE 2/8  FROM ANGELA RUSSELL OF BUCKINGHAM  "I had to bj persistent to get on to the Project 200 course, but there are enlightened people out there who were willing to give me a chance. "I have had to bj very assjrtivj on the course and have at last got the College to agree to a satisfactory learning contract. "Some modern methods of teaching discriminate against deaf people and I have had to enlist the help of the BDA and my MP. It has not been easy.b   cont... Subtitles CmntyInfo Envir'nmt Religion
P713 CEEFAX 713 Thu 28 Oct 21:11/23  READHEAR  WRITE HEAR  DHERE 3/8  FROM ANGELA RUSSELL OF BUCKINGHAM  "I also have to mention the Open Unjvjrsity, with whom I am doing a degree. "+ithout the use of the equipment they lent me, I would not be able to carry on with my nursing course. "The OU is a master in the field of adult deaf education and has taught mj much of what I now know about accessing techniques for deaf students, enabling mj to design and agree a learning contract with the nursing college."   cont... Religious World 740 User Guide 198 Subtitles Cmnt9Info Envir'nmt Religion
P713 CEEFAX 713 Thu 28 Oct 21:17/28  EADHEAR  WRITE HEAR  DHERE 4/8  FR M ANGELA RUSSELL OF BUCKINGHAM  "I would like to see more places given to deaf people on Project 2000. "I bjlievj that deaf people would make good nurses given the chance to develop compensatory skills and the necessary equipment and this would be a way of helping more disabled people to gain jmploymunt. "If there are other deaf nurses out there I would like to hear from them. I feel we have to help each other to combat the discrimination deaf people often have to face."  Subtitles CmntyInfo Envir'nmt Religion
P713 CEEFAX 713 Thu 28 Oct 21:11/44  EADHEAR  WRITE HEAR  DHERE 5/8  FR M ANTHONY KENT OF DYFED  "Are any other Read Hear readers fans like mj of Doctor Who and Star Trek who would like to see MCI captions on videos of these series? "So far, only one Who and no Star Trek videos have been captioned so if, like me, you would like this to change, then get writing to the video companies and the MCI and let them know!" Editor's note: the choice of which videos to caption is NOT made by the MCI, but by film companies.  cont... Next Write Hear update: 30 October Subtitles CmntyInfo Envir'nmt Religion
P713 CEEFAX 713 Thu 28 Oct 21:16/29  JADHEAR  WRITE HEAR I DHERE 6/8  FROM ANTHONY KENT OF DYFED $5 j "I am also a fan of classic old films, but several video companies have told mj they have no plans to caption such films. "I am only 27 but I dislike most modern films and I am sure thjrj are many more people like myself. "If all wrote, as I have done, the video companies would see there is a demand and perhaps change their minds. "So don't delay, write today!"  Religious World 740 User Guide 198 Subtitles CmntyInfo Envir'nmt Religion
P713 CEEFAX 713 Thu 28 Oct 21:12/44  EADHEAR  WRITE HEAR  DHERE 7/  FROM CAROL COMER OF MANCHESTER  "Two recent letters in Write Hear argued that deaf people do not need interpreters bjcausj they are able to write. "'hat about deaf people like mj, who are part of a completely deaf family?  "We want interpreters for when we have to attend conferences, courts, hospitals and so on."  cont... Community Pages 720 Environment 730 Religious World 740 User Guide 198 Subtitles CmntyInfo Envir'nmt Religion
P713 CEEFAX 713 Thu 28 Oct 21:04/28  JADHEAR  0WRJTJ HEAR  DHERE 8/  FROM CAROL COMER OF MANCHESTER  "Deaf people do not know if nurses, the police, bank staff and so on have the time or patience to write things down for deaf people. "And how would we know if they are able to use BSL if we ask them to write things down?  "So I think interpreters are very important for deaf people and I hope that we can have a 24-hour interpreter service in the future."  Community Pages 720 Environment 730 Religious World 740 U3jr Guide 198 Subtitles CmntyInfo Envir'nmt Religion