P179 CJJFAX 179 Fri 15 apr 21:14/4   20/2X   FR M I  NEWSR UND  ALL ABOUT RYAN bz MARIE WRIGHT age 13 from Warrington 89941 Marie is a Manchester United fan - and a big fan of winger R:an Giggs. "Ryan, who is 20, has been dubbed the best footdaller in the world. Tj United signed him when hj was 13. He rarely gives interviews because of management worries thbt the stress might bj too much for him. R:an has to cope with the pressure of being compared to United's best pla9er ever, George Bert, and wi5h being a teen idol. He just treats (5 what he does as a job!b  Diary Contacts PP Info PP Rupts
P179 CJEFAX 179 Fri 15 Apr 21:15/08 $|l4|l4|,  1/20  FFROM   NEWSROUND  READ YGU5 PRESS PACK RFPORTS HERE Standby for more stories coming up as follows m PAGE NAMES APPROX TIME 2-10 O'KEEFFE to SCREENEY NEXT 12-20 SHARMA to +RIGHT 2 mink Press HOLD to keep a page on screen Please go to page 178 (k for reports A-N  Diary Contacts PP Info PP Repts
P179 CJEFAX 979 Fri 15QApr 21:15/28 -|l4|l4|, . R 2/28  FFRGM   GEWSRGUVD  WALRUS IN DaVGER bz JULIE0O'UEEFFE from Eastham, Wirral 93331 Julie writes that the walrus'3 $m habitat iu being threatened. "Huge oil depo3its ha6j been found (5 under the sea. Plans are being made to drill them U m which means more people and ships in areas where walruses live. Their feeding grounds may also bj dredged by companies wanting to (5 collect clams from the sea bed. If clam beds are drutroyjd the (5 walruses may not have enough food." U --,,,,,,,,,,^,,,,,,,n,,,,,,,,,,,n,,,,,,. Diary Contacts PP Info PP Rjpts
P179 CJEFAX 179 Fri 15 Apr 21:15/48   3/20  FFROM E  NEWSRKUND  0STOP ACID RcIN bz PARR PATEL from Manor Park, London <7807 Parr writer about acid rain, and what can bj done to stop it. "The burning of fossil f5jlu - 9ush as coal - creates sulphjr dioxide. This causes of acid rain. Polluted clouds from western Europe are blown to Scandinavia - whjrj the rain falls. Plants and fish in many Scandinbvian lakes have died. (5 Sbiintists know how to reduce sulphjr dioxide emissions from our (5 power stations. It's time we did something about it." R  Diary Contacts PP Info PP Rrpts
P179 CJJFA 179 Fri 15 Apr 21:16/08   4/20   FROM W  NEWSROUND  SCHOOL N WSD Y! by ROSHAN PATROO membership 12507 Roshbn's school entered a national competition to write a professional njwspapjr in one day. "It was a massive job to organi3e. Wj had to conduct inteu6iewu, take (5 photos, carry out research and learn to use the computer. The actual day was qhagttc.0Wr worKed non-stop to kit "The U (u Informjrd ready on time. $5 And our hard work paid off. +e came joint first in the contest! It was (5 a brilliant experience." --,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Diary Contacts0 PP Info PP Rjpts
P179 CJJFAX 179 Fri 15 Apr 21:16/28  ^ 5/20   F OM   NEWSROUND  SCOLIOSIS bz CATHERINE PEARMAN age 14 from Bath 6043 Catherine would like more publicit8 about the condition Scoliosis. "Scoliosis affects the spine making U it curve into an "S" or "C"ashapj. It usually starts at about age 13 and can cause a deformity and breathing difficulties. (5 I have scoliosis and am facing the prospect of a major opjtation. If I had been diagnosed earlier I might only have needed a plaster cast."  Diary Contacts PP Info PP 
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 15 Apr 21:26/48   CX  FFROM   GEWSRKUND  G ANT COMET! by TRACEY ROBERTS from Lowestoft, Suffolk 94536 Tracey has some exciting space news "A giant comet is due to smash into the planet Jupiter this Jzl8, (5 triggering an kxplosion that should bj visible 700 million miles Qwa| on eartX. U The impact is expected to bj rdn $5 times more 8wwjuful zh1n zhj comut which wiped out the dinosaur1 65 million years ago. The rocks makrng up the comet will hit Jupiter at 130,000 miles an U $5 hour." (upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp8pp8pppz Diary Contacts PP Info PP Rrpts
P179 CJEFAX 179Q Fri 15 Apr 21:07/88 )|l4|l4|,  7/28   FROM   NEWSROUND  WHO IS CHILDISH? by TRUDI RZ—V from Littlehampton, W Sussex 91495 -rude is fed up with the way adults treat teenagers. "Adults tell us to bj more maturu. But wherever we go we are watahed. Shop assistants seem to think all teenbgjrs want to steal something. People stare at you if you are 2 walking along the strjd5 wh5h 1 group of friends. I wish adults would see teenagers for what they are m not for their age, si:e, colour or fashion sjnsj"  Diary Contacts PP Info PP Rupts
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 15 !pr 21:07/28 )|l4|l4|,  8/20 [  FROM   NEWSROUND  BARN OWLS by HELEN S—TTERTH+AITE from Skjgnjss, Lincolnshirj 41994 Helen writes about the decline of Barn Owls. "According to a recent survey the nzmbjr of pairs of Barn Owls has dropped to just 5,000. It's a large bird with ggldenJbroun upper-parts with flecks of grey, black and white. $5 They can turn their heads 180 deg. to the left and right which gi6ju them almost all-round vi3imn. cpzn (5 Owls are completely silent which means their prey can't hear them." (upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz Diary Contacts PP Info PP Rrpts
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 15 Apr 21:21/48 )|l4|l4|,  9/20   FROM   NEWSR UND  NO V—T ON BOOKS! bz P—TRICK SCOTT -j age 14, from Huddersfield 78549 At the moment you don'5 pay ta|, ou FVAT Patrick says Government plans to tax books must njvjr bj brought in. "$hj Prime Minister, John Major, says one in four teenagers can't read properly. U $5 Putting V—T on publications would (5 put their price up - and make $5 matters even worse. Schools are already struggling to buy knough equipment. Sg say GO tg tax on books and maga:ines."  Diary Contacts PP Info PP Rjpts
P179 CJEFAX 179 Fri 15 Apr 21:28/28 -|l4|l4|,  10/20  FFROM   NEWSRGUFD  RACISM bz JONA$HAN SCREENEY from Tottenham, London 87962 Jonbthan has strong feelings about the issue of racism. "Slavery started off the racial hate between white and black 8eopli It began when north America njedjd soldiers to fight the south. Black people were recruited - but they were treated unfairly. After slavery undid thjrj was still (5 segregbtion -0whjn black people are only allowed to do certain thinks. There's still racism today - when will we all be treated as equals?"  Diary Contact10 PP Info PP Ru8t1
P179 CJJFAX 179 Fri 1u Apr 21:21/28 -}l4|l4|,  11/2p  FFROM   NEWSROUND  RVAD YOUR PRESS P—CS REPORTS lIRE Standby for more stories coming up as follows - PAGE NAMES APPROX $IME R 12-20 SHARMA to WRIGHT NEXT 2-10 O'KEEFFE to SCREENEY 2 mink Press HOLD to keep a page on screen $5 Please go to page 178 for reports A-N (5 --,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Diary Contacts PP Info PP Rjpts
P179 CEJFAX 179 Fri 15 Apr 21:22/48 )|l4|l4|,  12/20  FFROM  /,  NEWSROUND  HOMELESS PEOPLECby SHILPIK— SHARM— from Portsmouth, Hampshire 266 Shjlpika is concerned about peoplu who are homeless. She interviewed someone from the charity Shelter. "The homeless live in 1 vicious circle m no address to write on zhj forms for getting accomodation, no base, no money m nothing. U Some say they are "dirty beings". (5 But why do people put them into (5 this category? Everyone has their (5 own reasons for becoming homeless. 5 Many of them do not want our pit8, but need our help." --,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Diary Contacts PP Info PP Rjpts
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 15 apr 21:25/28 -|l4|l4|, ]  13/20   FROM   NEWSROUND  UP HILLY AA by THOMAS SMALE from Wblls, Shetland 13876 Thomas writes about a festival that takes place every year in Shetland. "Every last Tuesday in January it's 'Up Hilly Aa' time. It's a way for us to remember our Viking anceutor2 One man dresses as 'Guisjr Earl' - the famous Viking chief. Around (5 40 members of gJarl's squad' build a replica Viking lonkship. $5 (5 In the evening there's a torchlight procession. Around 900 min march through Ljrwick. They throw thri5 (5 torches into the boat and burn it." -]m,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Diary Contacts PP Info PP Rjptu
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 15 Apr 21:05/08  A   FROM   NEWSROUND  CLBSSIC@S  JS ez CJ"JBN TBHANY ,j mjmbjrship number 1223 Cjrian gives traditional books the thumds up. U "Many young people hardly e6er read (5 stories such as The Rbilway ChildrenL Heidi or +hat Katy Did. p ,j I have done some research and read U sex modern and six classic books. Most of the new stories wdrj about children in America which got a bis boring.1But all six classic tales (5 had different story lines. I found them just as good, or better, than the more mwdjun stories." --,L,,,,,,,n,,,,,,,,n,n,,,,^,,,nn,,,,,,/ Diary Contacts PP Info G PP Rj8ts
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 15 a8r 2 :93/28 (|l4|l4|,  16/20   FROM   NEWSRKUVD  NIBEARTZ rz KA FNTHOMPSOV from Hemel Hempstead, Hjuts 23527 Karen writes about the Libjarty campbign run by the Would Society T for the Protection of Animals. "$hey help protect bears from 8oachjrs and the uxplohtatton of the animals as entertainment. Many bears are close to kxtinction and all are under threat. Some cubs are taught to dance and are controlled by a ring through their nose. LibjartX helps to zrz to stop this kind of suffering."  Contacts 176 PP Info 177 Sport 300 Diary Contacts PP Info PP Rjpts
P179 CJEF—X 179 Fri 151Apr 21:93/48 $|l4|l4|,  17/20   FROM W  NEWSROUND  BE KIND TO ANIMALS bz ELAINE TURNER age 15 from St Albans, Hiuts 45942 Elaine writes about the right2 she R feels animals should br gi6jn. "Just bjcausj vivisection is legal, (5 it does not make it morally right. Some kxperimjnts are cruel and barbaric. U How would wi like it if a giant rabbit came up and dripped sklutign3 into our e9eu; One thing i3 for certain. There are no animals in the would q5ite a; (5 cruel as some of the people working -5 in jxpjrimjntal laboratories." --m,,,,,^,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,^,,,,,. Diary Contacts PP Info PP Rjpts
P179 CEJFAX 179 Fri 15 Apr 21:14/08 )|l4|l4|,  18/20  FFROM E  NEWSROUND  KEVIN COSTNER by CATHERINE WALSH from Rye, East Sussex 95266 Catherine has written this profile of film star Kevin Costner "Keven was born on 18 January 1955 in Compton. His parents are called William and Sharon m and hj has one elder brother, Dan. He decided hj wanted to bj an actor when hj was just 8, after seeing the film 'How the +est was Wong. $5 (u Now hj has starred in about 25 films. Hj can demand around five (5 million pounds for e6jry film hj -5 appears inab  Diary Contacts PP Info PP Rjpts
P179 CEEFAX 179 Fri 15 cpr 21:14/28   19/20  FFROM   NEWSROUND  LIVING WITH TERRORISM bz0CH—RLOTTE WILKINS age 13 from Guildfoud :136 Charlotte s:mpathises with the people of Northern Ireland who live under the threat of teurmrism. bHaving njvju visited N Ireland it is hard to imagine what sour of environment the people live in. Tj Men, women, children and the police are killed by the terrorists, a; well as members kf the armed fkrce2 (5 A peace declaration signed by John Major and the I Albert Roynglds is just one step gn the long road towards peace.b --,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Diary Contacts PP Info PP Rjpts