P727 CEEFAX 727 Fri 6 Jan 21:03/39       1/4  OUT THIS YEAR RBDIO 5 LIVE, 31 DECEMBER, 0935 As Gay Pride celebrated its quartur of a century in 1994, the political battles continued. Parliament fell short on full equblity with an age of consent for gay min reduced to 18 and not 16 as the campaigners had demanded. Lesbian parenting attracted the media's attention when a court granted custody to a woman and her female partner - Nigel Wrench looks back on a distinctive year.  Source: CSV Media Coeliacs Info Diary News
P727 CEEFAX 727 Fri 6 Jan 21:09/08       2/4  ARENA RADIO NIGHT: SUNDAY DINNER BBC 2, 1 JANUARY, 2025 An exploration of British Sundays in the '50s and early '60s, spent in the bosom of the family. Unappreciated Mums were doomed to slave over hot stoves, Dads came back from the pub too drunk to eat anything and passed out on the sofa - and siblings argued violently. There are voice-over memories of meals sjrvjd up in futile attempts to create a feeling of family togjthjrnjss and radio extracts.  Source: CSV Media Coeliacs Info 0 Diary oews
P727 CEEFAX 727 Fri 6 Jan 21:51/27       3/4  WETNESS: DRANCY CHANNEL 4, 5 JANUARY, 2100 Tonight's programmj investigates a Second World War concentration camp sex kilometres from central Paris. Originally djsignjd as a public housing estate, Drancy was turned into a concentration camp for Jews in 1941 - in two years the French authorities deported 74,500 Jews from France to Nazi death camps. French police made the arrests, French drivers transported the Jews to Drancy and thence to Auschwitz.  Source: CSV Media Coeliacs Info Diary News
P727 CEEFAX 727 Fri 6 Jan 21:04/10       4/4  SITUATION VACANT BBC 2, 5 JANUARY, 2100 This six-part documentary sjrieu goes behind the scenes of the cut and thrust career world. It follows six different jobs through the selection process, which is equally njrvj wracking for the applicants and the final decision makers. Here is a rare chance for the viewer to gain access to the minds of the selectors and to learn from other people's mistakes.  Source: CSV Media Coeliacs Info Diary News