P202 CIJFAX 200 Sun 28 May 01:35/14   |h4 |,   j=$j , II  +EESEND PERSOVAL GINaNCE MAG—ZINE Feature 202-3 Mortgages 260 Annuity Savings 260 2 N w arrival 205 Income Tax 269 Stock Market 206 Annuities 270 Unit Trusts 207 Econom 280   AT SPJJD SERVICE ON BBC1 WEEKDAYS  Key market pointers at a glance 201 Prices: A-H 221 H-R 222 R-Y 223 Forex by National Westminster 251/2  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,W CityHeads Monjyfile Annuitie3 Economy
P202 CEEFAX 202 Sun 28 May 01:17/04   1/4  BUYING GENERAL  INSURBNCE  Last month the Association of British Instr rs introduced some improvements to selling practices for general insurance. General insurance is the blanket term for motor, household, travel, private medical or commercial insurance policies. +hen you buy any of thjsj plans you are protected by the Association of British Insurers' Code of Practice. It does not mbtter whjthjr you buy direct from an insurance company or through an insurance intermediary.  Annuity Update 204 Savings 260 at r 2 U dat l t
P202 CEEFAX 202 Sun 28 May 01:49/40   2/4  BUYING GENERAL I INSURBNCE  The changes which are being brought in to improve th effectiv n s f the Association of British In3urers' Code of Practice ar : * Obligations of both ABE mjmbjrs and their intermediaries have been clarified. * here will bj more rigorous vetting of intermediate s and greater emphasis placed on th specific cover being pro ided as well as relevant exclusions so that ihj policyholder understands more about what they are bu ing. Annuity R res 270 Mortgag 260 Annuity Update 204 Arrivals 205 F atur 2 Updat Arse al Stocks
P202 CEEFAX 202 Sun 28 May 01:49/27   3/4  BUYING GENERAL  INSURBNCE  The changes which are being brought in to improv th effectiv n s f the Association of British Insurers' Code of Practice ar : * More information will now b available to help policyholders who have a complaint. his applie to th way they wet were sold a product and to more general grievances.  * There will bj more publicity aimed at heightening consume awareness of the ABE' Cod . Annuity Rates 270 Mortgages 260 Annuity Update 204 Arrivals 205 ats 2 pd t l St
P202 CEEFAX 202 Sun 28 May 01:45/36   4/4  BUYING GENERAL I INSURBNCE  The ABE's C d of Practice gi e consumers some protection in a sometimes confusing market place. "The General Business Cod of Practice is important for th millions of policyholders who each yhar by pnjral insurance ," said Sir Terry Heisju, chairman of the Cod Monitoring Committee. He went on to say: "The industr i co-operating in building on the protection which already exists and seeking to provide solutions to th problem areas we hav id ntifi d." Annuity Rates 270 Mortgage 260 Annuity Update 204 Arrivals 205 t
P202 C JFAX 204 Sun 28 May 0(:)4W42 ]lldlt|@ ,d x 204 Aurivblu 20) O BiYING GENE AL IW INST$BNCE  The changer which are bjink brought in to iLprovj the effeitivenfs Insurers+ Code of Practhcd are:  a6ailablj to help pomic9holde53 5hk ha6d a ak%pdahFT& R This appniju to thm {pz they wdrt RRR * Thjtj {ill bj more publicity aimjh at heightenrng consumer 0 2 2 Q) 12 2 Annuut| Rates 378 RMwutgagr; 260 Ann jt phat 20 A l 205 Fjat5ri 2 U84atj 0A—rrhvals Stoc5s
P202 CJJFAX 202 Sun 28 May 91:24/24 ,]/|l4|l4|, L| 3 R 1/, [O INSURANCE  Lhst month the qssociation wf 24 DritisX In3urers intrOduced some %5 bupfng genhral insuranc@. G U U for general insurance. Ohm followingaquest2onh: ans tet f mo or h d r , privbte medical or commkrcial inszrance policies. 0 * If I mag) p l im,Twpm0 I 222 42 'hat ans amo nnzof hhjcj p ans yfu ate prOtected by the AssocUatUNn of British In3urer2' Code of Practice. b * R p It app n t mbicul thy hj y u z r25 h n 3 a d & d med ar . Annuity Update 204 p Savings 260