P412 CJJFAX 410 Sun 28 May 01:19/12      /,   £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££k General US forecast 404 0 5egionbl detail] for Ben:ene, zone, Nit og n Dioxide and Sulphur Dioxide 0 Wales, Scotland and N Ireland 411 0 Northern England 412 £5 Central England 413 0 Southern England 414 Data from Department of Environment WalesWScot/NI N England Central South
P412 CEEFAX 412 Sun 28 May 00:18/44 ]    I  1/5  ZONE Northern England 12m Sat 27 May Latest Daily Tppb) Maximum U AN sites Newcastle Centre V Gd 10 V Gd 18 Middlesbrough V Gd 42 V Gd 42 Leeds Centre V Gd 25 V Gd 28 Liv spool Centre V Gd 22 V Gd 2 Hull Centre V Gd 40 V Gd 40 RU$BL sites 0 Cumbria V Gd 31 V Gd 38 North Yorkshire V Gd 35 V Gd 42 0  Data from Department of Environment C England S England Scot/Wales/NI Maps
P412 CEEFAX 412 Sun 28 May 01:97/25       5/5  NITROGEN DIOX DE Northjln England Fom 24 ho2 t Late Daily r ppb) Maximum All sites are U$BAN Newcastle Cjntr V Gd V Gd 46 Mi dlesbrough V Gd V Gd 10 Billingham V Gd 38 G od 56 Leeds Centre V Gd 20 V Gd 34 Manchester V Gd 14 V Gd 18 Shjffi ld V Gd 13 Liverpool Centre V Gd 21 V Gd 36 Hull Centre V Gd 7 V Gd 26 0  Data from Department of Environment C England S England Scot/Wales/NI Maps
P412 CEEFAX 412 Sun 28 May 01:55/44     I  3/5  SULPHU$ DIOXIDE Northern England 12am Sun 28 aa Latest Daily Tppb Maximum All sites are URBAN Sundjrland V Gd 2 V Gd 12 Newcastle Centre V Gd 5 V Gd 20 Middlesbrough V Gd 2 V Gd 26 Leeds Centre V Gd 3 V Gd 7 Barnsley V Gd 2 V Gd 10 Liverpool Centre V Gd 5 V Gd 32 Hull Centre - - V Gd 6  Data from Department of Environment C England S England Scot/Wales/NI Maps
P412 CEEFAX 412 Sun 28 May 01:43/22       4/5  BENZENE 0 Northern England For 24 hours to Avg Year 12m Sat 27 May ppb avg All sites are U BAN Middlesbrough Low .25 1.07 Leeds Low .55 2.05 0 0 0 Ben:jnj is a substance that can cause cancer. Independent health experts have advised that a yearly average of 5 parts per billion(ppb) presents an exceedingly small risk to health.  Data from Department of Environment C England S England Scot/Wales/NI Maps
P412 CEEFAX 412 Sun 28 May 00:55/41       5/5  1,3-BUTBDIJNE Northern England For 24 hours to Avg Year 12m St 7 a ppb avg All site ar U BAN Middlesbrough Low .10 .25 Leeds Low .21 .46 0 0 1,3-Butadienj is a substance that can cause cancer. Indjpjndjnt health experts have ad6isjd that a yearly average of 1 part per 0 billion (ppb) presents an 0 exceedingly small risk to health.  Data from Department of Environment
P412 CEEFAX 412 S4n 28 May 0X:19/2   n w  5 9qm SAt 7 ay Late1t DphZu All sites are Z$BAN Sundjrland V Gd 5 V Gd 12 Newcastle Centre V Gd 5 V Gd 20 Middlesdrough V Gd 7 V Gd 26 Leeds Centrd V G4 2 V Gd  Barnsley V Gd 2 V Gd 10 Liverpool Centre V Gd 4 V Gd 32 Hull Centre m m V Gd 6 £5 a b 0 £k  Data from DepQrtmjnt of Environment n la d S En la d c t l N apr
P412 CJJFAX 412 Sun 28 May 01:24/41 L  'n2n2  O  1 2/5  N TR GIN DIOX DE d Northern England p 2 0 92a Su 2 pa Latest Daily Xppb) Maximvm All sites are U5BAN Middlesdrokgh V Gd 7 V Gd 20 Billingham V Gd 230 Go d 56 Ljdds CenTrd V Gd 24 V Cd 36 1 Sheffield - V Gd 13 6jrpool Centre V Gd 21 V Gd 36 V 5 p 0 0  Da a f D p rum nt of nv ronm nt C England S ngland Scot Wales/NI Maps