P414 CEEFAX 414 Sun 28 May 01:45/39       1/5  OZONE Southern England 12a SSt 7 aa Latest Daily 0 (ppb) Maximum U$BAN sites London Bloomsbury V Gd 21 V Gd 28 London Victoria - - Poor 147 Bristol Centre V Gd 27 V Gd 33 London Bexley V Gd 37 V Gd 40 S'hampton Centre - - - - RU$BL sites East Anglia V Gd 45 V Gd 47 xfordshire V Gd 36 V Gd 38 East Sussex V Gd 37 V Gd 48 Devon V Gd 030 V Gd 037  Data from Department of Environment Skiing Scot/Walt/NI N England C England
P414 CEEFAX 414 Sun 28 May 01:13/24     I  2/5  NITROGEN DIOXIDE Southern England 12m SSt 27 May Latest Daily (ppb) Maximum URBAN sites London Bloomsbury V Gd 26 V Gd 47 London Victoria V Gd 19 V Gd 35 London Roadside V Gd 24 V Gd 42 Ldn Earls Court V Gd 19 V Gd 40 Bristol Centre V Gd 0 V Gd 29 London Bexley V Gd 5 V Gd 35 S'hampton Centre - - - - 5 U BL s te East Sussex V Gd 7 V Gd 8 0  Data from Department of Environment Skiing Scot/Walt/NI N England C England
P414 CEEFAX 414 Sun 28 May 01:16/29     I  3/5  SULPHU$ DIOXIDE Southern England 92m Sat 27 aa Latest Daily (ppb) Maximum U BAN sites London Bloomsbury V Gd 2 V Gd 4 London Victoria V Gd 3 V Gd 9 London Roadside V Gd 4 V Gd 5 Bristol Centre V Gd 0 V Gd 2 London Bexley V Gd 4 V Gd 7 S'hampton Centre - - - - RURBL sites 0 East Sussex V Gd 2 V Gd 4 0  Data from Department of Environment Skiing Scot/Walt/NI N England C England
P414 CEEFAX 414 Sun 28 May 01:14/25 ]      4/5  BENZENE Southern England 0 For 24 hours to Avg Year 12m Sat 27 May ppb avg All sites are U$BAN London Bloomsbury Low .52 1.55 London Eltham - - - Bristol Centre Low .27 .93 0 0 Ben:jnj is a substance that can cause cancer. Independent health experts have advised that a yearly average of 5 parts per billion(ppb) presents an exceedingly small risk to health. 0  Data from Department of Environment Skiing Scot/Walt/NI N England C England
P414 CEEFAX 414 Sun 28 May 01:49/24       5/5  1,3-BUTBDIJNE Southern England 0 For 24 hours to Avg Year 12m Satn 7 aa ppb avg All sites are U BAN 0 London Bloomsbury Low .12 .36 London Eltham - - - 0 Bristol Centre Low .10 .25 1,3-Butadienj is a substance that can cause cancer. Independent health experts have advised that a yearly average of 1 part per 0 billion Xppb) presents an 0 exceedingly small risk to health.  Data from Department of Environment
P414 CJJFAX 414 Sun 28 May 01:42/25 ( '}l4|l4|, ]L NUB   5 ÷k o d   2nk  RiTjO Fl od WIvn n r m at na 0 Sovths n Eholand 2j  Spa Sag 2 at t a ly ppb m URvAV sites L   Ldn Earls Court V Gd 24 Gd 43 BristoE CjntrJ V i4 a V < Lozdon By in Gd V Gd 0 C   £5 £k 1 0  Iafa ful rd0a: m80t 80 860 kgm / Polls@ion Eur$jsobt U+ Maps For@cast