P624 CEEFAX 644 Sun 28 May 01:45/47  1/12 n2n1 |. WBTCH OU$  Wednesday 24 May  Fossils in City Buildings You don'5 have to have a hammer at a beach to see fossil . Fos3ils ar easy to find in an city that has & il h s m e ial ar h r lan be old either. A 10-year-old buil ing will h ve weather d enough to reveal hidden treasurer from distant ag . The ston , a t f &5 lin toni formed b ats of sh ll d po it , al J ra ic t r that are 150 million years old. a &5 good tim to see them is in wet &k weather as this brings out the fos3il outlines more clearly. pp p pp p p TV L mks 610 BC2 0 oo l t BBC2 TV BBC2 TV S
P624 CEEFAX 624 Sun 28 May 01:48/07  2/12  WATCH OU  Wjdnjsday 24 May 7£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££k You c n tag brass rubbings or n mod llin clay in h &5 cavities to get a 3D souvenir. Grid g ological walks occur around the country, h re is a &5 selection: Bath Geological Society Tel: 01225 445046 &5 -hursday 15 June Building stones of Bath &5 Meet by Pump Room entrance, 7.30pm &5 &5 &5 &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 BBC2 602 Booklcts BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sol
P624 CEEFAX 624 Sun 28 May 01:10/27  3/12  WBTCH OU$  Wjdnjsday 24 May  The Geologists' Association Tel: 0171 434 9298 &5 Saturday 1 July Open day Kjnsal Green Cemetery afternoon. Harrow Road gate Saturday 8 July Winch stet Wall Game Winchester Cathedral. Meet West Front at 11.30am Scunthorpj Muse m T l: 01724 843533 &5 Saturday 29 July &5 Fossil Watch 2pm - 4pm Event for children (adults can accompan &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 BBC2 602 Booklets BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sk
P624 CEEFAX 624 Sun 28 May 01:34/47 L 4/12  WBTCH O T  Wjdnjsday 24 May  May Beetles 5 a j still evenings this month, h nce the common name of May beetle. -hike impressive heavyweights of the beetle world are up to 30mm long and may appear quite threatening as they buzz around like aerial juggernauts. But they're really harmless egetarians &5 on th loo out for a m te. & &5 a &k &5 &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 BBC2 60 Booklets BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sky
P624 CEEFAX 644 Sun 28 May 01:17/07  5/12  WATCH OUT  Wjdnjsday 24 May  Jellyfish - Aurelia aurita (common name Moon Jelly) hj moon jellyfish, Arr lea, is the most common jellyfish in British coastal waters. Measuring 3-8 &5 inches across, colourless with four purple rings in the centre, this jellyfish is often seen washed up on th shore, st and d th bb tide. Recent winds and tides have brought swarms of the plankton &5 feeding Aurelia in shore along the &5 West coast, a huge swarm has been 3een at Albert Dock in Liverpool, &5 you may see one of thjsj amazing &5 spectacles for yourself over the &5 summer. &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 BBC2 602 Booklets BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sky
P624 CEEFAX 624 Sun 28 May 01:55/27  6/12  WATCH OU  Wjdnjsday 24 May  Anglesey Update All the birds have arrived and &5 settled on the RSPB South Stack Re ehve now. Guillemots, puffins &5 razorbills and fulmars are now all sitting on their eggs incubating. The first guillemot and razorbill eggs should hatch bz 24 May and this will bj followed by a great succes3ion of hatching chicks all &5 over th cliffs. &5 hj first chough chicks are now getting their first feathers. There &5 are about 160 chough pairs in Wales &5 and 11 pairs at this resjrv . &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 BBC2 602 Booklets BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sky
P624 CEEFAX 624 Sun 28 May 01:57/47 l4|l4|, l4 7/1  W SCH OU  Wednesday 24 May  If y are luc , y mi h a &5 few fledgling peregrine falcons around the reserve. Look out for &5 stonjchats as they are into their cond bro d b no . h S uth Stack Reserve is located on An l ey n a lyh ad, acce s l via the Menai Bridge if you are in a car. & &5 & &5 &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 BBC2 602 Bookl ts BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sk
P624 CEEFAX 644 Sun 28 May 01:48/07  8/12  WBTCH OUT  Wednesday 24 May  Pond Dragonfly Survey From May to September dragonflies are emerging from ponds throughout Britain. Th larva climb up banks or plant stems, usually at night &5 for safety. As the larvb's skin dries a split appears allowing the dragonfly to shed its aquatic past. At this vulnerable time the dragonfly must wait for its wings &5 to dry, opening and hardening, &5 before flying off into adulthood. &5 &5 e are asking you to do something &5 very simply but useful.  TV Links 610 BBC2 602 Booklets BBC1 TV BBC2 TV 0Skz
P624 CEEFAX 624 Sun 28 May 01:16/27  9/12  WATCH OU  Wednesday 24 May We want you to count the number of &5 larvbl sKins that you find around &5 your garden or local park pond throughout the summer, from May to S ptemb . Pl a b r i i an empty skin and not a n:mph in th process of emjrgink (you will see the split where they ha6j crawled out, just below the head). This is the first survey of its kind, the re3ults will bj invblubble in finding out just how important garden and park ponds &5 are for dragonflies. &5 &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 BBC2 602 Booklets BBC2 TV BBC2 TV Sk
P624 CEJFAX 624 Sun 28 May 01:42/47 ]l4|l4|, ,l4 10/12  WBTCH OUT  Wjdnjsday 24 May  We are interested to disco6eu &5 whjthju you have any breeding &5 dragonflies in your pond (are third any larval cases), which types and how many of each. Hawker ar th &5 largest, at least 30mm long, darters have long legs 1nd a tubby body while damselflies have a long th n body. The British Dragonfly Society will analysj the results nationally and let everyone know the outcome later in the 9ear on Watch Out. &5 &5 You can send your information any time from now until the end of 5 September. &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Lin s 610 BBC2 60 Booklets BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sky
P624 CEEFAX 624 Sun 28 May 00:45/07  11/12  WATCH OU$  Wjdnjsday 24 May  Keep a tally until then or, if you &5 only check the pond once, send us &5 the information now. You can e-mail us (watchout@bbcnc.org.uk), fax us X0117 973 6489) or post your re3ults to the following address: Dr W H Wain, Secretary British Dragonfly Society, The Hazwain, Hollywater Road, Bordon, Hanks GU35 0AD &5 5 h Briti h agonfly Societ w ll &5 also be able to provide you with more information about dragonflies if you write to them enclosing a stamped addressed env lope. &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz TV Links 610 BBC2 602 oo l ts BBC TV B 2 TV Sk
P624 CEEFAX 624 Sun 28 May 01:25/27  12/12  WBTCH OU$  Wjdnjsday 24 May  £££££££k Can An V wet H lp &5 We'r looking for a town garden with nesting blackbird, robin and/or song thrush to film an item on how to protect nests from cats &5 and magpies. If you can help please get in contact. Contacting Watch Out e-mbil: watchout@bbcnc.org.uk &5 fax: 0117 973 6489 &5 &5 Watch Out's World Wide Web pages &5 U L: http://www.bbcnc.org.uk/bbctv/nhn/ watchout/  TV Links 610 BBC2 602 Booklets BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sky