P638 CEJFAX 638 Sun 28 May 01:16/31  1/10    Saturday, May 27, 1995 OPEN UNIVERSITY 0600 Stressed Materials: Foretelling Fatigue Life A look at the ways in which engineers can prddict the useful working life of metal components COMPS ENG 0625 On the Right Track &5 A look at the computerisjd &5 signalling systems used b &5 British Rail  &5 &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz & OU Inquiries 01908 653231 More Educ Education Radio TV/Radio
P638 CEEFAX 638 Sun 28 May 01:33/31  2/10  pjujuju0j5j5j5z5j5  CHILD DEVELOPMENT &5 06 0 H lping With Family Probl ms A look at family therapy involving a fi6j-9ear-old with serious behavioural problems &5 SCENES FR M D FAUSTUS 0715 The Medieval Players complete their performances of Christopher Marlowe's play telling the story &5 of Faust's pact with the Devil ENERGY AND ROCKETS 0740 A look at the chemistry of rocket &5 propulsion &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz  OU Inquiries 01908 653231 More Educ Education Rbdio TV/Radio
P638 CEEFAX 638 Sun 28 May 01:10/31  3/10    BIOLOGY 0805 The Breath of Life &5 How high-flying birds and slow- moving crabs tackle the problems of obtaining enough oxyg n VICTORIAN WAYS OF DEATH 0830 A look at what cemetery monuments can tell us about 19th-century soci ty &5 THE END OF EMPIRE &5 0855 &5 The Re-fashioning of Literature A look at the history of an Indian poem between the 18th &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz & OU Inquire s 01908 655231 More Educ Education Rbdio TV/Radio
P638 CEEFAX 638 Sun 28 May 01:37/31  4/1    century and independence and what it tells us about the relationship between British and Indian cultures OU OF DEVELOPMENT 0920 Brazil is fast becoming an industrial power and i the world's second largest agricultural exporter, yet two thirds of th population li6e b lo th p ty in nd &5 malnutrition accounts for seven out of ten deaths amongst children under five &5 &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz  OU Inquiries 01908 653231 More Educ Education Rbdio TV/Radio
P638 CEEFAX 638 Sun 28 May 01:17/51  5/10    ENERGY AT THE CROSSROADS 0945 &5 How much oil and gas are left in the North Sea - and what are the alternatives? &5 &5 IMAGES OF THE COSMOS 1010 Venus Unveiled A look at recent stunning pictures from the Earth's twin planet that have provided &5 scientists with answers as well &5 as some new problems &5 &5 UNDERSTBNDING MUSIC 1035 Following a score upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz & OU Inquiries 01908 653231 More Educ Education Radio TV/Radio
P638 CEEFAX 638 Sun 28 May 01:34/31  6/10    PRINCES AND PEOPLES 1100 Houses of the Grandees A look at courtiers' houses in France, England and Ireland, which testify to the builders' fortunes POPULATION TRBNSITJON IN ITBLZ 1125 Asks why Italy's 1991 census &5 showed the fastest, most extreme decline in fertility ever recorded &5  &; &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz & OU Inquiries 01908 653231 More Educ Education Radio TV/Radio
P638 CEEFAX 638 Sun 28 May 00:51/51    pjujuju0j5j5j5z5j5  ££££££££££££££ ££ ££ ££ £ £ £ £ A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD? &5 1150 A look at how global factors affect the British car industry Sunday, May 28, 1995 PEN UNIVERSITY 0615 Pure Mathematics: Isomorphi m How Scottish Country dancers can help with pure mathematics &5 MATHS METHODS &5 0640 Catenaries &5 &u & &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz & OU Inquiries 01908 653231 More Educ Education Radio TV/Radio
P638 CEEFAX 638 Sun 28 May 01:15/31  8/10   MATHS 0705 Catastrophe Theory A look at the controversial use of this branch of maths in anblysing the cause of prison riots &5 PSYCHOLOGY IN ACTION 0730 Personnel S lection How psychologists help the RAF to choose the right candidates & B T SH CA T NSPLANTS &5 0755 An investigation into why many American and Japanese motor companies choose Britain as th i &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz & OU Inquiries 01908 655231 More Educ Education Rbdio TV/Radio
P638 CEEFAX 638 Sun 28 May 01:15/31 ] 9/10   7££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ ££££££k European base &5 &5 DEATH AND DYING 0820 One Fact, Many Facets An examination of the varied ways people conj to terms with death &5 0845 A Curious Kind of Ritual A critical look at the importance of kxams in the British education system, which asks whjthjr they &5 are the best way of measuring a child's progress &5   &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz & OU Inquiries 01908 653231 More Educ Education Rbdio TV/Radio
P638 CEJFAX 638 Sun 28 May 00:57/11 ] 3/1p & (,j5j5j4 V*U1j5j5j* &](pjujuju0j5jke5z6ju )  &- bIOL+KY 22  180) (he BreatX of@Life of ob(ainink enough oxygen b b p p 75 0X391 Qppp 242 44 2222p4 2pp2)2p417w &5 A look at that cjmjterX mon:mints can teml us abozt 19th-cmntury 2 society &k THE IND OF KMPI"J b &5 0855 &9 $he Re-fashionRnk of Literaturd &) A lgmk a$ hhj haRtmqX gb an Indian poem bjtsien the 18th &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz MKrj Educ Edkcatimn Radim TV/ 
P638 CEEFAX 638 Sun 28 May 01:16/31  10/10    BON MO 1055 Short stories from France based on a single word. In '(hj Holiday', a dream vacation &5 becomes a nightmare      &  &5 &5  &upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz OU Inquire s 01908 65 231 More Educ Education Radio TV/Radio