P734 CEEFAX 734 Sun 28 May 01:14/45   1/2     7£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ £££££k EXPORTERS MAY BUY "SECRET" AIRPORT Welsh farmers are planning to buy a "secret" airport to resume the export of live animals. The farmers want to avoid animal rights protesters staging further demonstrations. The airport is thought to be in rural Berkshire but the exact location will bj kept secret. Plans were put forward after exports were banned at airports and ferry ports.  Read Hear 710 Religion 740 Community 720 User Guide 199 Next Page Round Up CmntyInfo Religion
P734 CJJFA 734 Sun 28 May 00:)5/18 L  1/2 ^  W  "u PO"TJ2S MAY BUY "3ECRET$ AI"PO"$ $5 $hj goveunm nt of To ga ha p $5 rejjctdd a rey5j2t z 1 Ja8p Air ays about i e t c p s Pan European Airways was set- p to "5 bha pponesjecs pan[, MvCn Pd exports from other airports. um k, 200 ;p and X m nkj whblis every year. 2 p be usdd tg take cal6es to  p b n o His ddci3ion tk ban 3h1lh&£ jjad tg T is the quickest, simplest and most "k ahalbng endust c.n u h %u0ppppppppppppppp0pppppppppp8ppp88p8pp= Noxt Page Round Up Cmnt9InfK Rjligimn
P734 C JFA 734 Sun 28 May 01:29/27 ]  E  Q . /.%/, ,$ $ j * jjjjzjjjjjj055 EXPORTERS MAY BUY "SECRET" AIRPORT 5 Th Farm r U on o l has negotiated with Pan European Airways about live exports. Pan European Airways {as 3jt-u8 to beat protesters who pre6ented exports from other airpoutsn j It i th ught t Bo in 727 l be used to take calve5 to Rjnnes in 5 France and Rout rdam in olland. An airline spokesman said; "Fl9ing calves undku veterinary supju6ision animal-welfare conscious method of $5 meeting trade demands.b  Next Page Round +p CmntyJnfo Religion
P734 CEEFAX 734 Sun 28 May 01:55/47   2/2      EXPORTERS MAY BUY "SECRET" AIRPORT The Farmers Union of Wales has negotiated with Pan European Airways about live exports. Pan European Airways was set-up to beat protesters who pre6jnted exports from other airports. It is thought two Boeing 727s will be used to take calves to Rennet in France and Rotterdam in Holland. An airline spokesman said; "Fl9ing calves under veterinary supervision is the quickest, simplest and most animbl-welfare conscious method of meeting trade demands."  Next Page Round Up CmntyInfo Religion