P602 CEEFAX 602 Mon 27 May 00:16/37   SUNDAY/MONDAY  2105-0715  2105 A VERY SOCIAL DEMOCRAT: A PORTRBIT OF ROY JENKINS S Profile of the vjtetan politician, regarded bz some as the best Prime Minister the country njvjr had 2200 FILM: PASSION FISH S/N A fading soap star is knocked down and develops a friendship with the nurse who cares for her. Drama starring Mary McDonnell. (1993) 0010-0150 FILM: BELLE DE JOUR Sensual drama about a housewife who finds excitement bz working in a brothel. With Catherine Denjuvj. With English subtitles. (1967) 0200-0715 LEARNING ZONE sji BBC2 635 BBC2 601 C4 604 N = NICAM stitio Experimental PDC transmissions 660 ITV Reg Var BBC2 Tmrw TV Links