P603 CEEFAX 603 Mon 27 May 00:47/38   NETWORVED SUNDAY/MONDAY  PROGRAMMER 1915-0530  £££ ££££££ ££££££££££ ££ ££££££ 1915 FILM: THREE MEN AND A LITTLE LADY S/N Three bachelors battle to stop their daughter being taken away. Comedy with Tom Sellick. (1990) 2110 THE KNOCK S/N The bootleggers finally cotton on to Andreotti's true identity 2210 ITN NEWS S; WEATHER 2224 REGIONAL VARJATJONS 2225 THE CLIVE JAMES SHOW S/N A humorous take on the week's news 2310 THE SOUTH BANK SHOW S/N profiles sculptor Clajs Oldenburg. (0010 on Central and SUV) 0010-0530 REGIONAL VARJATJONS BBC2 601 BBC2 602 C4 604 N = NICAM stereo S = Subtitles 888 C4 BBC1 TV Sky ITV Tmrw