P132 CEEFAX 132 Sat 8 Jun 23:04/25 |l4|l4|,  1/2 -n n1    POLITICS £££££££££ ££££££££££££££ £££ ££££££ £ £ UNIONIS THU AT TO ULST R PEACE T L S A ceasefire of convenience by the IRA would not mjtit the inclusion of Sinn F in at all-pa ty talks, DTP deputy leadjt Peter Robinson has said. There was no indication that the IRA was considjting a truce in terms an int national bod would r cogni . The DTP would boycott talks with Sinn Fjin if thjte was a "tactical" truce. Mr Robinson also said the choic of x- senator George Mitchell as chairman at the talks was unacceptable to Unionists See Cjefax Ulster talks special 190 Burton appeals for IRA ceasefire 131 N xt N ws Politics Wo ld Financ
P132 CEEFAX 132 Sat 8 Jun 23:07/20   2/2 n1n1    POLITICS £ £ £ £ ££ £ ££ £ NIONIST MAGINNIS CALLS FO CEASEFIR The security spokesman for the Ulster Unionist Party has called for a fresh IRA ceasefire so Sinn Fjin can attend all-party talks starting Monday. Speaking on Channel Four, Kin Maginnis said that although hj did not think the while it lasted secure people's lives. At talks, hj said, Sinn Fjin's "absence of a viabl strategy" would b xpo d. Mr Maginnis said republicans wanted Brits out and a unit d Ir land". Se C efax Ulst talks sp cial 190 Burton appeals for IRA ceasefire 131 Next News Politics World Finance