P567 CEJFAX 567 Sat 8 Jun 23:56/48  @@ ( 'O.J .%/, ' a p +plb 23s  ££ Wbtkv:Q45u@F 32s addict 5 8k@ 0820 Copknhagen MOV8079  0820 Palma SPP31 7 d s ootings a me car hi- ac ng, @ strikes prevent Karachi from func ioning norm ll . 1045Geubtin FR764  114p Paris p 4 BA9=0uQ p t o d u2af ecjehs yro dJY thj0 r m in i t e r2latJctly fe areas and chUck zh sjcurit s station befor travell n . Avoid arriving at night and ensure =ou  F 2/3
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sat 8 J4n 29:37/22     Advice  j5 z5o:%p0 a  E There are .o parthizlaz sr u:ity A i czN—rh c@ art@ p h@@d Weekjs@ @4 Mr#Z@louriut vYjic.aDritUw( nbtiNN—ls j o a )PoYbv @ d@ SU 00 92 21 5872439]6 for up-to-date locpl dviceV  ' 564 A-C 56u D-J 56/ 3/38 FCO EuroInd x F m
P567 CBJFAX +67 Sat 8 Jun 2393//30 \    Ro14-   Ad6iks IOI  P-T C dAPUA NnWrGUINiA 2/2 The rugged in and poo inf - st H assistance that can be gi6en.@ efo t a ellen a o n Paps N w Glisja,h2je the latest local adv c tom the B iti h igh Commits on, Port Mo45sCri Tel: 675 3251677 Fax: 675 3255547 'iaZt@lutu(#\@\c\l@omjr CnQ]hpQ 2^0Jd@ End dateQin brackets )5/17 FRO O-l sEw)oIndjC 2 taiFIn/R1
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sat 8 Jun 23:53/56 G   < $   Ad6ice O^X 5 @ @5@z*p( P-S  PERU 1/2  Equador remains in place. The sjtuatign iupstill@sjnsjtivj and ttavelletu Taking photographs in any of the towns n ar to th bot jr, s ch as Pi ra and Tumbjs, may cazsj problems foz vjujtot1 TXjte is no rqason why travellers shoklh not continzj to vjujt Lima, Lake MPC *],,L, ,,,,,L,,,,,,T,,L,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, Foreign Office Travel 0171 338 450 /4 oj DrYtUvh@ mDbvvy, Lima: ) 33 ,738 ' km)@A-G PkmkQD]J 5v7 R*Z@ @ ECO O-R EzroIndjx RailIndjx
P567 CEJFAX 567 Sat 8 Jun 2s:57/45   9/38 n1n1 '  Ad i   P-S  PE U 2/2 Muggings and st et crime are com on -ravPlle ( rho@@ b[ ali H. A#mjy robbery is a posshdilhty. P sst of the intirio are still prone to tetrori t violence and attack. z[ak@ 4 s@@@@@@@@@ z[ u@ d@ b@ / @v @@ The coastal strip, away from Equador and ArjquipQ are relathvjly safe. Utzeuu crimr in Cusqo 1/40gzhjz to9rt;t p Viujxoru should stay in groups, carry tijix passp#rts and travel f posts ai , rail r putabl u com nee Tra6ellink within towns ;ingle vi9itotu should considjt u3ing pri6att taxis. ' 5NK A-$V (65 D-/ :7 -) OJ*@@ @ sro  5bilIndjx @
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sat Jun 23:37/+1 W  10/38  5÷!s{4 j5{5 Advi ' . PHILJPPINE3 2/5 B i elan th hour th Phil n . Avoid travel off the beaten track. Typhoons sttjkj the Philippine2 between July and December. Earthquakes and volcanic jtkptions may occur at an= cotc5 around Mt Phnat5Ro P 6k nd Bulusan 4km). @ @ @ Onc t e r i z season begin in Jul thjte is a rUsk that ciztaiL atjas (eg PajpbgVa) will be iNundated with "Lahar", a mixture of mud and volqanic lavQ/4j2riu.
P567 CEKFBX 567 Sat 8 Jun 23:53/57     Ad6tci WT P-S CC PHI IPPQNIS 2 2 @ is a risk that travel from Metro Manila tk thq qjntx1t 1/4 gozzhuzn  2uz0^ wnl\@bj dvjruely affected for sjuetal mont s, possibly u til hj of 0 eo9ear. T (JV ' N@@ 0MBCJ D+V D NH3 DUALOFC b e Visitors are rarely targrtted, bzt a btittuh0ctxh:1 0w 10m4y5rxt4 u& f 1:96 on the Island of Mondoro. 564 A-C 565 D-J 567 mZ 3 3
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 9 Jzn :0:04/24   12/38   Advice  J P-S PHILIPPINES 3/5 Political insurgency stiml continurs on a low level in the mote remote pazts of North and South Luzon, the Viuayas and Mindanao. Take particular care when visiting Weste Mindanao w et tPjt @have b m travelling to the mainland provinctu of Miaguindanao, Lanao del Sur, Sultan Suderat, Lanao del Norti and Nozth Cotabato. Avoid the islands south west of Mindanao, white there has been sporadic fighting. ' uv) A-C 565 D]U 567 6]U FCO O-R EuroIndex RailIndjx
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sbt 8 Jun 23:38/32 |l4|l4|,  13 3   ad6jce I U P-S C PH(LlPPIN^S Z 4/} A numbec nf chol.ta cases have r cently occurred in a remote area of tXr province of Davao@Oriental in the south eastrun region of Mindabao. XOjidli{*p@ @R dd @ @R avoid tap water and icu Tdrink bottlud watjt ou soft drink3) and 5ncookjd foods especially raw fish, salads and O= unz A- b mvkQj]U@ u67p6-Z T R MCKay R EoroIndPub 0aRa fIFin| c
P567 C EFAX 567 Sun 8 Jun 20:04/26      dvavb O RP  PHIL PPINES /5 T avcllens to t j P ilippines who 5krnhmg into@the Rot(ithjth Tun.il. Af hanistan sh ld b aware th t th2 thrratt from mnlitart acujiite t  EjvSl airtslft hfitflying Afghanistan thing ro\tet Vsi8, A466, G 04 e V848 Son airliner cunti e to us th j routeo.jOthjrS, includonkp600 uniil h the j6jning. Vkp0 on which the threat is assrssud as mAnim\h@ltrav@llT@u vhozl{ chBck ditbh Viws 100 'eathjr 400 using. L ^ FCO O-R E4rmIndex I
P567 CJJFAX 567 Sun 9 Jun 23:05/12     Ad6iae  ROMANIA Petty creme i; on the incxta;u in Romania,@particularly in Bucharest. Beware of pickpockets and bag snatchers in all crowded areas, pazticularly on buses and at the main railway station. Beware of bogus policjmjn who will ask to see your foreign currency and passport. If approached decline to show your money but offer instead to go with them to the nrarjst 8olicj stationO Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4u03/4 ' 564 A-C 565 D-J 566 UmP 16/38 FCO OmS EuroIndjx RpilIndjx
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 8 Jzn 00:05/27    18/38  1 5÷!s{4 5{5 Advice = J^ @ # \ s@N H@@ @@@ @@@@  £££££ £ £££££ RUSSIA 2/4 Cross-boude ttaffi wi h Georgip and Azerbaijan is s4bjict tg rr;triation3. Internal Air Travel: are alwa:s propeulj| obsjtvedW Whrrj pcy@61X Rzss] BHhji@t#@tQVQBfcouel!#N@ from abroad. Health: ere is a diphtheria p d m in m ny pa ts. Visitor are adv j to sick medical advice before@travelling Eoreign Office Travel 0374 500 968 64 A- 65 D J 56 K P C ro ndjx ailInd x
P567 CEIFAX 567 San 9 Jun 00:55/33  ] 19O38   Adviqi   P-S '£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ Russia 3/4 CREME: Incidents of mugging,thrft and pickpocSjting are increasing in all cities, especially in St Petjrsburg & Mwucow.Bj ppzticularly war8 wv0grw4ps of young vagrants in Moscow. Keep Uewellety, watchrs and camjtas out of sight. Use officially marked taxis and do nor shari wi:h strpnsjxsW Whkn  travemling bz train, ;tour val5ableu i& the compartment under thu bidOsjat.Do u secure door from inside wish wiki ou cord. Do not accupt fwod from ;ttpgkrry as it ma b d ugged. ' 564 c-C 565 f-J 566 K-P FaO0O-R KuroIndjx 0 SailIndjx
P567 CEEFAX 567 San 9 Jun 08:00/20   20/38  e5÷!s{4j5{5 Advice   x-U  RUSSIA   R an c im n l g ng op t in m jo it s and the can oc as onally lt in violence between rival gangs. $his vinlence i1 nor direated against foreigners, but in February 1996 a hootin in idjnt u t d in h d a h of a Briti h b s n ssman. 564 A-C 565 D-I u66 K-P FCO Om5 EuroIndjx RailIndjx
P567 CJJFAX 567 Sun 9 Jun 00:05/,7 VN+>v >n > 0K-Tv^ '9   Advice   PQ  RWBNDA 1/2 Wj advisr again;t ail b;| rssrvti1t travel to Rwanda. Supplies of water, power and fuel can bj erratic. judicial systems have yet to bj fully restored. Kanz military road blocks exist on all major roads. Do not travel off asphalt roads because of undetected land miner. Thjti is a rrsjdjnt british Embassy in Kigali,the capital, but it can provide only limited emjtkjnqy0qonsulpr setvjciu ot proteetion. k64 A-C *6k D- K]P FCO O-5 EuroIndjx RailInTjx
P567 CEEFAX 567 San 8 Jun 23:05/54   22/38  j ÷!s{4j5{5 Advice £££££ £ ££££ £ ££ ££ £ £ £ RWANDA 2/2 For rhos who must travel to Rwand a visa has to br obtained in ad6anct as v s s ar no long r available at t point of nt kn ca a of @@ 85773^ 4 A-C 6 D J 566 K P FCO OJ2 EuroIndjx RailIndjx
P567 CIIFAX k67 Sun 9 Jun 00:06/01   23O38   Advice . /.%/,  p0 P-U  RWBNDA Thu ForEign Offic\ advyst againsA v but essential travel to Rwanda. 3upplies of water, power and fuel ate f d. Securit8 remains grakilu and the police & judicial systems have yet tk be fully r utor a m l t r o d exist on all major roads. You are advised no to travel off asphplt rwads is a resident British Embassy in Kigali, the capital but it can provjdj only limited emergency consular sjtvices or protection. 564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P FCO OJR EyroIndjx RaulIndux
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 8 Jun 20:06/07   38   Advice  /. /,  * p0 P-  S N GAL @ The Casamance region of Southern Senegal is currently calm. The situation could however change at an= time. Keep to the main roads and avoid travel Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 564 A-C 565 D J 66 UmP
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sat 8 Jun 33:06/16   25/38   Advice ^  P-Q ££ ££ ££££££££££ £££££££ ££££££££££ Following th Pre idHntial elections ln Ma 1 t j situatPon in Sierra Leonj has remained calm. Although the recently announced ceasefire@between the RUF and the RSMLF appears to bj holding, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office advise for the time being against alm nonJissjntial tr vel bz road to the provincial centres. Visitors are strongly advised to chuck with the British High Commission, Freetown, tel 223961Jk before travelling outside the Freetown Penjnszla.
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sat 8 Jun 29:96/42 T W|l4|\4|,@ @@   !dvice WW ] P-  AINGAPORJ ,ravell\rs to Singjpotj whose ouinjy wCll involve overflight of Afghanist n should bj aware that thjti are threats from military activity to aircraft ovjpflyimg Afgh nissan u ing cjttain Some airlines continue to use thjsj routes. Othjts, including all Britis, C , us lt n riv rout , V 76 and V500, on which t e threat is assessed as minima ravjllers should c ck ir jithj whth t avjl agent ot airl n u whiah o res in i idu0l a linmu art usin . 564 A-C 565 d-J 566 p-P 38 F
P567 CJJFAX 567 San 9 Jun 0s:06/2:   27/38 n n1 j ÷! {4j5{ Ad ic EOI  P-S SOMALIA @ Due o the u tabl s cur ty situatio , we advise against travel to Somalia. *01VOj=*8jOl<* jOe )Vjl^ejiOV]GGjOV j0Z  Foreign Officu Travel 0171 238 4505/4 + 564 A-C 0565 D-R 566 K-P FCO W-R EuroIndex RailIndjx
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 9 Jun 00:01/44 \  29/38   Advice   P-U  Loeal elections are s h dul d to tpk placd inKwazulu-Natal on 26 June. There is the possibility of increased tension in h com n w ks. Avoid demonstrations and othjy crouded places. if staying in a hotel seek advice from the management about which areas t avoid Visitors should contact High Commission Con slat s for furth gu danc . High ComZission, Pretoria, tel 433121 Consulate, Jo'berg til 337 8940 Consulate, Durban tel 305 2929 Consulate, East London tel 55460-8 Consulate, Port Elizabeth t l 552423 564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P FCO O-R EuroIndjx CRailIndjx
P567 CEJFAX 567 San 8 Jun 23:05/37   31O38   advic   P-S  Some 10 million Britnuh nationalenare i h y, nd part cula ly rhos v t ng in the holida= season, should note that a um j of small bombs w d to at d during Summer 1995 at various coastal o ts on th m inland Prior warning was given in each cars and there were no injuries. ETA (a Basque sjpjtatist movrmjnt) has claimud responsibility and aims to disrzpt the tourist industry^ 564 A-C 565 D-J 566 e-P ECO OmS EuroIndjx RailIndV|
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sat 8 Jun 23:07/04  @  j:÷!w{4?U5 5 Adv  ]  ecpjatcd at 80 in KadrUh, i i g six peg a ETA has conti d its s ora c bomb ng and assasination campaign nc i Madrid, Valencia, the La Rioja and Sp n h liv Thrrj is no in qation |h t Rjpoyu any p cio4; bags k 6'4 c-C 665 juJ h vv0K-P 1 p2 FCO O-R lighIn x aailIndjx
P567 C EFAX 567 San 8 Jzn 23:07/14 | |,@ l< @ | @   Advice  5 z5oz*p0 P-S SRJ LANKA 1/3 Pjaq talks b@tw 9 th covjznmj t 1nd yrar and fighting is continuin£ in the North and East. Do not visit these areas. On 31st January, a powerful bomb explo jd at the Cj ural bank build ng in the Fort aria of Colomdo, killing at least 80 people and injuring ovjt mpz bj imposed from time to time. ' kv4 B-C 5?k D]W 0:66 K-P 33/38 CO O- EuroIndjx C bilIndjx
P567 CJJFAX 567 Sun 9 Jun 00:07/18 4|l4|,    Advice   P-S  RSI L—NRA 2/3 Visitors should jxetcisj extreme caution in public places, particularly in Colombo, and minimize time in the city. The South and Cjntri, incl4dink alm the main tourist areas and th Cultural rian l , r ma n lark ly n e t . Electricity supplies are currentl= subject to a minimum daily six hours interruption. Although most hotels have their own generators, travellers may b inconvenienced. 564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 34/38 FCO O-R EuroIndjx CRailIndix
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 9 Jon 03:0./04   W U5÷!s{ j5 5 Ad ic  j5 z5oz*p0 P-S SR LANSA 383 ruth t information ma b obtain d direct from the British High Commission FCO O 5 E kInd x 2 RailInd x
P567 CEEFAX 567 San 8 Jun 20:0    36$38   Advice  O, j5 z5oz%p0 P-S  SUDAN 1 3 The security #it5ation in southjtn Sudan and the Nuba mountains remains unstable dui to the continuing ci6il war. It is impossible to pass through Sudan via the south. nhjri iu unrest near the Ethiopian bordns. Visitors shound avoid these areas. Zilitaty @ @ @ k64 A-C 565 D-J 0566 K-P  FCO O-5 E roIndjx CRailIndjx
P567 C EFA 567 Sat 8 Jun 23:36/42 1 5÷!s{4 5{5 Ad ce O O^ , ££££££££ £££ £ ££ £ £ £ £ £ SUDAN 3/3 Vi1itoru are advised to bjha6e and dr s di c sly British Embassy in Khartoum ( tel no: 770767Gor 770769 ) and keep in toush Forei n Offic Travel 0171 238 4503/4