P566 CEJFAX 566 San 8 Jun 20:05/40     Advick  ]  %4 .mZ  VAMAICA 9/2 Most visith s enjoy tioubli give holidays and measures have been taken How vjw, vwgilance Os advis d outs the sbfety@of one's@u#til. Wbtch out for bag snatchjtsOchain grabbjts/pick- pockets. @ Do not carry valuables/travel ocr ts lark amos ts o car , unn sessbrily. If thri tinjd with a weapon do noa bufut. alkhn^ a# nigh@ iu not advi 9d & avohd downtown Kingston unli s absolutrly n   ' 567 P-e 568 TaZ u64 -C 1/ 8 FC K-N EuroInd x Roads SportMinu
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sat 8 Jun z3:35/07   Advice W RV j H-@@ Recently there was a two day demonstration in Ne r l, b4t the; was directed against the local authorities and not tourists. Public transport should b avoided. Whim in doubt visitors should seek advice from travel ripreujntathvjs, the Jamaiean Tourist Board or thu British High Commission. Tel no: 809-926-9050 ' 567 PUS 568 TmZ 564 A-C 6/48 FCO K-N EuroIndjx Ropds SportMrnk
P566 CEEFAX 566 San 8 Jun 23:04/23   4/4   Advice  /. /, j5 z5oz p0 J-O  ££££££££££££££££ ££ JORDAN Th likjlihoo of viol nc against foreigners is low. Bi vigilant in During periods of politiaal tjn3ion in the region, bj on your g5ard, particala ly in places associatpd wit o a telephoning the consular section of the British Embark= in Amman, til 82310X. Visitors to Jordan are reminded tg dress modestly and behave courteously. Eor ion Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 567 P-S 568 T-Z 564 A-C
P566 CEEFAX 566 San 8 Jzn 20:54/,0   5/48  U Advice   CCFCCCCCCCCCCCC Kazakhstan Rodbjtsjeu o^ road and rail have i.creaked. Travel i.@groups b^d \ocW compartments on ovjtnight trains. a@@ @@ @ @ @ @ @ larger cities including Almaty. Do not walk alone at nights or travel in unmarked taxis. Keep expensive items out of sight.. It is not known wh the ai a t us d maintained. ip h ia car s ar in ia n S k medical advice before travelling. ' k67 P-S u68 T-5 564 A-C FCO K-N EuroIndjx Roads SportMunz
P566 CJJFAX 566 San 8 Jun 20:05/35 l4|l4|,  6/48   Ad6ici   J-O C £££££££££ Except as indicated below, gbmj resjt6ju and main to ri t arias at the Muggings and armed attacks can occuz anywhere and at any time, particularl8 in Nairobi and Mombasa. Br 1lett at ann times. Do not acc pt food o dr nk from strangers. Avoid travelling after dark. valuables or w ar jewell t in pu lic pr v l nt in th Na ob ar a and on th Mai obi-Magadi road. FCO K-N EuroIndex Roads SportMqnu
P566 CEEFAX 566 San 8 Jzn 23:35/56 ]\@@   Advice O]  J-W  ENYA / c————P——————————————————————————— risjrvrs and main tourist areas at the coast are generally safe& dui6jugs afd aom y attacksecan ocsu anbwhcti and nh cal tfmr,polite Bu gar a @ times. Do not accept food or drink from st{angjts. Avoi Y roar;i5e wz   empty bn ch s, and o not carti g CgluaCl s or wear j willDBC in £u£lic cViwu 100 a'eathjr 00 psi Flnnt i t20 a bV arda a d o th Nairobi-Maga8Q road. ' 567 P-S 568 T-T 564 d-C FCO S-N EuroIndxx Rl,ds shpoVWMjdi
P566 CEEFAX 566 San 8 Jun 23:36/04     p0  J O  2 *  Briti h Natio al rho ld not art mpt to t ave anywh e nT r th o de4 with Care should bj taken when using brachrs and icn c spots Ev n wh ri offi ially cleat hj i s ill a anger f m uNjxplodjd ordnancu. Both visitors and long tdtm residunt; p@ @ p p @ t th Embark on arriv l. Tel: 240 333 /5 O6 or 240 33 4/5/ 7 o@ 2 3 0 6 9 ForriUn Office Trav(l 0171 238 4r03t4 ' 5 -S 568 T Z 64 -C FCO K-N EuroIndjx Roads SpoztMinu
P566 C EFAX 566 San 8 Jzn 20:06/09   9/48   Advic   J-O '£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ KYRGYZSTAN p      Road travel is dufficult sjcausj of vhe terrain. In pring landslides are common in mountain arias espjciall8 to jhr south. 2   Roads from Tashkent & Alm ty to Bi hkjk Mugging & thjftu are incs asing both in cities & rural areas, some apparentl8 committed bz uniformed police officers. Do not walk the stteetu at night oz expensive items out of sight. 567 P-S 568 TmZ 564 A-C FCO KmN EuroIndjx Roads SportMkn4
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sat 8 Jun 23:36/30 |l4|l4|, '  |   Advice I  J-O ££ £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ n TXjue has@recinllz been an upszrgj n sn1tahynk do war5y on ocqp3ion.  $ravellitu to atvja should take se.sibli ptjcauxions particulavly in i o eign Of ic ravel 0171 238 4503/4 FCO S-o EuroIndjx CRoads QpoutMenu
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sat 8 Jun 23:36/37 T Wzlh|lh|,@ : @@@ @ @ @ @ @   Advice E  J-e  EBANON 1/2 @d@lanV!jastbounl@js 6[s- XJkneQ effective sincC 27th April, h ituation in L banon i alm N rna u j  B3irut. 5{ u a s !avjnci Ranl vnsormitio SoBBC2) ano74 bjyo d the cit of S don, as h lling Wjekjnd Alterations XBBC2) h 575 coFti&ue i& thu area from thu coast to hj SouXoutn Be a'a Vall y and in all othjt pr as insid and along th bo d IeaDaslath Pbs@b Vi\fU@iN PbmH N@@ . NPTL FCi USN EuroIndjx RoTds SpoatMini
P566 CEEF—X 566 Sat 8 Jzn 23:16/45 | 4|l4|, l | 1 /48 1 ÷!s{4 5 5 Advic  .%/,  5oz p0 J- +££££££££"£3!3!£3££££3£    -ElANyN z u/2 V itors wi him to go to th B al ck tigjon and to the north #f tPj BeTa'a l j Photog aphy rho ld bj lin ted t uradutign1l twujiut sjxi;.  shown in dress. Visitors are nco ra d t gi t sQuh the Brit(sh Em"a23= in Brhj2T 50g& a iv l Tel: 417007 Foreign Office Traljl p172 238 4u03O4 ' 567 P-S k68 TmZ 554 A-C
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sat 8 Jun 23:36/59  |, l< 6/4   Ad6ice I  J-O LIBE affecting the greater part of thu count y, Briti h natio al ar adv d not to visit Lib tia. Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 1 " 0 ' 567 P-S 568 T-Z 564 A-C FCO K-N JuroIndjx CRoads GUpwztMun;
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sat 8 Vun 23:33/24   Advice /.%/, 5 5 p0 - LIBYA 3/ Ws havf no diplo a4ic relate%ns with Lidza and the protection we can offer is limited. with the British Interests Section, Italian Jmbassz,TrUpoli Tel: 3531191 567 P-S 568 T-Z 564 A-C FCO K-N EuroIndjx CRoads SportMun;
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sat 8 J*n 23:43/50   n1 n1 5÷!s{4 j5{5 i (  J#L leave a rough jtinjtarz with the  .Usjtors@bri@rec#mZe]did to registep at vhs Embark|. Thu -orr Qd6u/tzrous visiul#rs goqng to remote arias sXoulh Em2as3z and 16oih v{ 7enlygg 1tgnu. @@ @@ @ @@@ a@ xttav @ 2 Prccautions shoyld bj taken in c:owdjd areas sucX as tpj Antananarivo market. advisable to carry photocopies of Fpasshotts.1Takj care if walking az ]UgXt in t(j@city ce^tri- 567 P-+ u68 T-Z 56) A-C
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sa| 8 Jun 23:97/3   21/48  J J-W   MADAG—qCAR  Road conditions vbry widely knd many vrhialis are iml maigtained. a6wi% e t rural roads are poorly marked and or M decal faciliti s are minimal. Intenljng@vjsjtors should seek medical ahvjce oL jnoculalU#ns@defVre For fuvTXjt advSce con$act tXj Brhti2h Embassy, Antananarivo (tel.27719,27370) n
P566 C EFAX 566 Sat 8 Ju^ @23:)4/34 $     Advice  2OMANIA In Blantyre, Lilongwe, Mys:u and Petty crsmj is on aj incxiasj in  alqrt for mssgrts and bpg snatchizyn B w pj ls In rlcint months sjv,sal Bjitiah buses and at the main railwa= stption. in Senga Bay and Blantyre.1  to see your foreign currency and uu4 A-C 565 D]J ;?6(K-P 16/38 FCO K-N E5roIndux CRoads SpwttMjn2
P566 C EFAX *mm Sat 8 Jun 23:38/17   24/48   Advice   J-O MALAYS A 1/2 Ther' is currently an outdrtak of chjlera ia Malayljv c ntrcr on Pentng. The authorities are taking appropriate spread and to eliminate it. Visitors to Pjnang and othjl affected avoid tap wytpt and icd (drsnkijg bottlld wjtrc ou s f dr mks) an uncooked foods, r1prqiall8 salads and open fruit. u64 c-C 565 D-I hk66 J-O /3
P566 CEJFAX 566 Sat 8 Jun 23:38/24 \ ]@@@   !dviqj C @@@ @O U$@@ '£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ Luton Arrivals Ttavjl tW, frmm and whT(in TajiKistan will involve.ovj flight of Afgwaijstrn should bi aware that there ate threats from military 1ctt6ity to chvil  aircraft ov rfly ng Af hani tan us ng rout s V668, A466, G 0 an V848 n T r j Some aiuldnji nsntizh tj uer aheou routeQ.WOterfs, including alp eriti1h4 car ier , use alte native r ut , V876 and V500, on which th hriat i as s d as m nina r ll sh d ot aitlinjs whieh routes individual Forligj fri using.e 01 / ' 567 P-S 568 T-Z ;64 AMC FCO K-N EuroIndjx Roads SportMenu
P566 CJKFAX 566 Sat 8 Jun 23:4,/+8 ' |l |   Advice X;/ ,J^\R^X@T; @@@@@@@@@("E @ \U@@@@  i Mali Sc r@lativjly2@@ouble-f4ei bat al5houkh travel to Mnpti, Timbuktu and Gao is possible, caution should bj where banditry is still a risk. 0 Forrikn Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 567 -S 568 T-Z 564 - FCO S-N EuroIndjx Roads SportMinu
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sat 8 Vun 23:45/84   27/48 WJ J J-W C £ ££ ££ ££££££££££££££ ££££££££ £ MAU5JTJUS Multi party elections will take ptacu on 20 Deci,bet but are unlikil= to affect visitors. Be(vigilant and Qvoid polittcal gash inks/d monstrations which ar taking place outuidj the main tozri;t arequn R   567 P-S 578 T-Z 564 A-C FCO K-N EuroIndjx Roads SportMinu
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sat 8 Jun 23:45/14 |l4|l4|, l< /48   Ad6icj O^ UJ J-O ££££££££££££££ ££ ££££ £ £ ££ £ £ M X CO /2 The i riu j w t major c t e artia4larl i t t of Michoacan, GuVtr0tO, Oaxac/, Chiapas Tbnyikn i& Cjntr n ChiaXRs  Fvjnturj0wrf roav;0qgnnrstjnk *u|zn1 Gutierrez, San Cri1tobjl, Palenquj and thjQGuatjmQlan "orduu without first * 8 seeking loeal 1dvici'  Foreign Offiai TravalA0171 238 4503/4 +67 P-S 568 TmZ 564 c-C FCO K N EuroIndjx Roads S o tMin
P566 CKEFAX k66 Sat Jun ;3:45/25   30/48   Advicq /. /. / 5  5o %p0 J-O  2/ J a n should be avoided, as this rigien is not under Moldovan go6rtnmjnt control Those with essenti l su3inr;s should the buytiuh EmRps3z in Mo;cor& tel: B7 %= GIBN QS C NGSC J A"D i t medical adviqi bjforj travjlF 56 - 56 - 6 -
P566 CJEFAX 5660 Spt 8 Jun 23:55/32 |l | 4|, < | 31/ 8 W@  Advice   J-W Aljhough@law and order is not a particula problem, jx j com on sjvsr jn vreys(1nd rjhQ6touz.%  Expensive jewellery, watches and camjtas should bj kept out of sight. 5yj4, which should not bj shared whth svtpngjxsO     Foreign Office Travel p171 238 4503/4 67 P 568 T 64 A-C FCO KmN EuroIndex Roads SpottMtnu
P566 CIEFAX 566 Sat 8 Jun 23:46/09  j5÷! {4 j5{5 Advice O . /, j5 z oz p0 J- M AMB U 2 iu prevalent in Maputo. VSsitors arR stjongly advised not to carry or display cash ot Q avoid unfamil a ar as n c nt l down-town at night. While robbery has been thu main motuvj, attacks have been unnecessarily vicious and in some cases fatal. Rjuttict ttp6il to: MpX4tg tg thu  Ujassano GariiaOKomatipoott border post with South Africa; Maputo tg the Namaacha bord po t w th Sw ziland. FC K Euro nd x a p t
P566 CJEFA 5-6 Sat 8 Jzn 23:46/16 \  2/2   Advjcm OO^J JO  Merseyttavjl WW Comm 25 Mar 2/2 Restrict travel to: Map4to north a; f r as Inhambanj; Beira/Zimbabwe (Beira No c(ankj2 r i or . All travel should bj undertaken only No y ajtween 800 1 0 an if po sibl i the comp n f 2 o m r h . or ion f ic Travel 171 238 03/ M66 P-S 5y8 T]Z pb4 A-C Midl-Fox P5blTrans EuroIndjx Headliner
P566 CJEFAX 566 Sat 8 Jun 23:46/32 . \ @   Advice   J-O C i and should bj avidjdn Exi c j ca ti wh n t a jllin n th more remote districts of the med-wist region where there have been recent e gbZe o]@$eNe@2uaaVh the@fi.bl@o^ Comprehjnsi6r tta6el insurance iu essjntUal, and should include all alaR.jh bctivitijs Xig trekki.W, @ rafting), hjlicoptjzhreuruj and mrdical evacuation. O[ kmm P + @mm8 TZU@ k64 A-C @ FCO K-N EuroIndj| CRoads SpottMinu
P566 CEJFAX 566 Sat 8 Jun 23:46/48   41/48 '/. / / 5 z5o p0  joutes.@ojhjtu, inc\uding all@British Tra6uml5t; tg ou8av u4wu5  i t should be aware that threats from +ilitarz activity to@ci6il aircraft using cjutpin routes. +one airliNes continue to uvj these t in carriers use altjtnativj routes V876 and V500 on whjcX the threat is Chjqk direct with your trpvkn akj&t0or airlUlj as@to@wPich tortes iLdividual airlines are u3i^g. n
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sat 8 Jun 23:46/55   42/48 K  Advice .%/. /, 5 z5oz*p J  N(eHcixyNDS t s h n A bomb exploded un aznhrm on 16 Ay{il. i was t third bomb jxplo on in of which was targjtted at British interests. Visjtoru should exercise sensible precautions and report any suspicious or znbttendjd packages to the avthorities immediately. @ o 566 P-S 568 T-Z 564 —-C FCO@K-N EuroIndex Roads SportMiVu
P566 CJIFAX 566 Sat 8 Jun 23:34/09   43/48   Advice  /, '  oz%p0 J-  !££ ICARAGU 1/2 Vi j o s r a vised to tag sens lj pr cautions when walking, particularly in the markrtu and zoorrx01reas ov the town,especially in the vicYnit9 of the old Cathedral. Puck-pocket2 mn4 vhievru oijt ti on public transport. Some atyas o hj No h cont n t bc dangerous. Ho not trpvjl at night and take local advice brforj deviating + 564 P-S 568 D-Z 564 A-C 3 FC K-N EuroIndjx Roads Spo tM nu
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 9 Jun 0;:04/35 T ] @ 2/4   "----22 /.)/.%/, 5 ?z5o p0 J-  A2 P 9 * 0  Travelmjrs from countries white Y llow F v i pnd mi0 (including ). [ nl V] O] OV]UV] O  Bole a) mu t h v a l c n t n c t ficate t tnt t th cor tp Lo t b v sptors are adv to motif h B i h Emb s z pn a of thrit p{jurnci in Nicaragua,  til: 780014 an 2780887 on ar ival and ask for up to-d t information. Foreign Ofeice Travel 0171 238 4503/4 66 P-S 6 U 64 -C
P566 CJJFAX$566 Sun 9 Vun 23:34/14 .  ^   Advice , 'O.%/.%/, '  J-O  NIGEY p /h llow n P 47  y i coup, all bordjtu are now open and the curfew commu i at oms ha b n r m . Niger remains potentially unstable with contin in dang to trav llers f om political and criminal elements, p c ally in h djsj z 1r sO  4 Tho t av l in o t d i m o take p rticular ca and dvis th British Embassz0Abidjan of t(jir travel xlanv. R 566 PwS 56o TvZ 564 - /4 Midl-Fox P:blTz1ns E5rwIWdux ljpdlhnj;
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 8 Jun 23:35/39     Advic +£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££!£££££££ NIGER 2/2 An epidemic of meningitis is currently affecting western Africa. Approximately 5000 ca3j have been repo@te@ in Mig\g. Intesddt£ travullm should sjevhmjdieal adv5ci. The British r presjntativj in Nike is the Honorary British Consul in Naimjy, tel: 227 732051. He can provide limited help in an jmjtgjncy. ' F66 PiS 568 ls nu64 A-C 43/4
P566 CJEFAX 566 Sun 9 Jun 00:53/+8   V  Advice W W J-W NIGERIA 1/2 The politica\ ritubtion iw unfettaim and oqcasionally tensr. Vtolent sttjjt crimr and armed robberies are prevalent Yn Jagos and occur elsewhere in Nigeria HatravvZjLt police-en and soldiers is common throughout the country. Tra6en outs j cities aft ark i s ; even in daylight armed holdzps oqc=r. Fraud against foreign busjnrusmjn, charities and others is commonplacu. Credentials of Nigjtian business contacts should be chjckjh thoroughly. I in orb , conta t TI g i f k on 0171 215 4966 for advice. k66 P-S 568 T-Z 564 A-C 47/48 FCO K-N EuroIndjx Roads SpottMunu
P566 CEEFAX 566 Spn Jun :0:35/35   -  V Advice OROJ j5 z5oz*p0 J-O  MIG TIA 2/2 It is possible that some privatq airlines opjtating within Nigeria may not c try out aircraft mains nanc @ procedures to inteznational standards. Intending travullits bz air within ig a m wi h to j k locally. There is a meningitis epidemic in the No th tn Nigeria states of Kano, Bauchi, Kebbi and Katrina and in thu @ Eastern state of Adamawa. I/tending travell ts should s ek m decal advic . FC KIN Euro  Roads SpoutMinu