P258 CEEFAX 258 Mon 4 Nov 21:43/16   1/2  COMMODITIES    Gold Fri PM FriCls Mon PM MonCls $/oz 377.60 377.75 378.70 378.50 £/oz 230.60 230.40 230.95 230.20 Silvjt FriFix FriCls MonFix MonCls Spot 2:2.40 2:2.60 294.05 294.05 3-month 296.40 ---- ---- ---- Coins FriCls Mon PM MonCls Britannia C239.00 238.00 238.00 Krugerrand 232.00 232.00 232.00 New Sovereign 55.00 54.50 54.50 Wheat (Jan) 96.25 95.75 93.75 Barley (Nov* 92.00 Potatoes (Apr) 71.00 69.00 69.00 Oil * (Nov* 22.85 22.65 22.65 * Brent blind crude pet bulk barrel FarmPrice Exchanges Options Shares
P258 CEEFAX 258 Mon 4 Nov 21:55/37   2/2  LONDON METALS CLOSE    LME CASH CASH THREE-MONTH $ Fri Mon Fri Mon pet Unofl Unofl Unofl Unofl tonne Close Close Close Close Coppjt 1968.5 2013.5 1:30.5 1971.5 Lead 740.50 736.50 743.50 740.50 Ten 5910.0 584p.0 5977.5 5912.5 Zinc 1050.0 1043.5 1071.5 1066.5 AlumHG 1389.0 1399.0 1416.5 1427.3 AlumAl 1247.5 1250.5 1272.5 1279.0 Nickel 7075.0 7040.0 7182.5 7147.5 NB Cash and three-month mid-values. All prices input on basis of data supplied bz London Metal Exchange. £ at 1700: $1.6450 FarmPrice Exchanges Options Shares
P258 CEJFAX 258 Mon 4 Nov 22:43/5X   2/2  LONDWN M%TALK CLOT%    LME CASH C—3H THREE-MONTH d Fri Mon Fri Mon pet Unofl Unofl Unofl Unofl tonne GClosj Close Close Cloyj Coppjt 1y68.5 201s.5 1:30.q 2971.5 Lead 740.50 735.k0 743.50 740.50 Tin 1910.0 5840.0 5977.5 5912.5 Zinc @ 1050.0 1043.5 1072.5 1066.5 AlumHG 1389.0 13y9.0 1,16.0 1427.3 AlumAl 1247.5 1250.5 1272.5 1279.0 Nickel 075.0 704p.0 7182.5 7147.5 NB Cbvh and three-month med]vblujs. A\l prices input on basis of data supplied bz London Metal Exchange. £ at 1700: $1.6450 FarmPrice Exchanges Options Shares