P627 CEEFAX 627 Mon 4 Nov 21:11/04  1/11  THE REALLY USEFUL SHOW   Over the last week The Really Useful Show has offered the latest consumer advice, live each day on BBC1, 11.05am-11.45am. A summary of key information from the last week follows. All contact numbest for The Really Useful Show can bj found at the end of our programmj pages. T. Links 610 BBC1 601 BBC Focus BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sk=
P627 CEEFAX 627 Mon 4 Nov 22:14/26  2/11  THE REALLY USEFUL SHOW  Monday 4 Novjmbjt  24 HOUR SHOPPING For some time a number of smaller shops and stores have offered 24 hour shopping. Now the larger supermarket chains are adopting the idea as Safeway have launched the first of, potentially, one hundred 24 hour outlets. The Really Useful Show spoke to Professor Richard Scare of Canterbury Business School, a leading commentator on shopping and household trends, who predicts that more and more 24 hour shopping outlets will appear as we head into the next century. TV Links 610 BBC1 601 BBC Focus BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sky
P627 CEEFAX 627 Mon 4 Nov 22:32/11  3/11  THE REALLY USEFUL SHOW  Monday 4 November  SALT INTAKE A recent report in medical journal, The Lancet, highlighted growing conci n about levels of salt consumption in common daily diets. The rdport suggests that a i t which is high in salt can lead to potentially advjtsj h alth effects including high blood pressur (hypertension*. The Really Useful Show's medical adviser Tricia MacNair explained current medical thinking on salt in food and loo jd at the salt content of an average daily diet. TV Links 610 BBC1 601 BBC Focus BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sky
P627 CEEFAX 627 Mon 4 Nov 21:15/15  4/11  THE REALLY USEFUL SHOW  Monday 4 Novjmbjt  SALT INTAKE (cont) CHECKLIST: * Cook more fresh foods and try to limit salty foods eg bacon, ham, processed foods, bottled and packet sauces, salted snacks, tinned and packet soups, olives. * Choose low or reduced salt versions of standard foods. Compare sodium content (salt indicator) of similar products and choose the product with less sodium. * Use a little or no salt in cooking and at the table. Experiment with hjtbs and spices. TV Links 610 BBC1 601 BBC Focus BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sky
P627 CEEFAX 627 Mon 4 Nov 22:21/37  5/11  THE REALLY USEFUL SHOW &  Monday 4 Novjmbjt  SALT INTAKE (cont CHECKLIST (cont): * Make step bz step changes to allow taste buds to gradually adjust. * The recommended daily intake of salt is 6g (equivalent to 2400mg sodium). Salt content of processed foods is labelled as sodium content. Furthjt Information: The British Hypertension Society 127 High Street, Teddington Middlisex TW11 8HH Write for an info leaflet on salt and hzpjrtension (high blood pressure). TV Links 610 BBC1 601 BBC Bocus BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sky
P627 CEEFAX 627 Mon 4 Nov 21:50/22  6/11 &  THE REALLY USEFUL SHOW  Monday 4 Novjmbjt  20th CENTU5Z COLLECTABLES d@@ @ @ @@@@ @@ I t j mid 970's th we e v y f items under 100 years old which wrti considered collictabli. However, the 1990's have ruvjaled a wide range ov 20th century objeats with a cglleatable value. Eric Knowles of BBC1's Antiques Roads$ow {old Thu Rrally Useful Show:C * Look out for 'designjt£ items particularly bearing tha W06u(ss  rule of collictabilit=. TV Links 610 BBC1 601
P627 CEEFAX 627 Mon 4 Nov 22:52/24  7/11  THE REALLY USEFUL SHOW  Monday 4 Novjmbjt  20th CENTU5Z COLLECTABLES (cont) * Keep items 'as new' i.e. in their original box with all the packaging. * In the case of pjtfumjs - do not open them. Keep the bottle sealed and keep all the packaging * An object is more likely to bj collictabli if it has been discontent d or is part of a limit d numbjt. TV Links 610 BBC1 601 BBC Focus BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sky
P627 CJEFAX 627 Mon 4 Nov 22:11/49  8/11 & 0n1n1 j5 THE REALLY USEFUL SHOW  Monday 4 Novjmbjt  20th CENTURY COLLECTABLES (cont) * Objects which are 'of their time' or evocative of an eta often make good investments i.i Art Deck items are highly collictabli. * Thjti is no accuracy in predicting which of today's items will become tomorrow's collectablis but fast food toys, promotional give-aways, first edition video games and early phone cards may bj collictabli in the future. TV Links 610 BBC1 601 BBC Focus BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sky
P627 CEEFAX 627 Mon 4 Nov 22:04/14  9/11  THE REALLY USEFUL SHOW  Monday 4 Novjmbjt  PEOPLE'S CHOICE - SPREAD Esthjt McVey met 4 hoteliers from the Blackpool region, to put some 'buttery styli' spreads to the taste test. Thjsj spreads are blinded products- with buttermilk added to enhance the flavour. The spreads weti Golden Crown, Utterly Buttitly, Clovjt and I Can't Believe Its Not butter. TV Links 610 BBC1 601 BBC Focus BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sky
P627 CEEFAX 627 Mon 4 Nov 22:07/37  10/11  THE REALLY USEFUL SHOW  Monday 4 November  PEOPLE'S CHOICE - SPREAD (cont) The hoteliers each gave thrir scores out of ten and the results of their opinions were as follows: 1st place old n Crow £1. 4 2nd place Clovjt £1.35 3rd place I Can't Believe Its Not Butter £1.09 4th place Utterly Buttetly 79p Prices given are for a 500g tub. TV Links 610 BBC1 601 BBC Focus BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sky
P627 CEEFAX 627 Mon 4 Nov 22:02/29  11/11  THE REALLY USEFUL SHOW   CONTACT NUMBERS AND PROGRAMME ADDRESS FOR THE RJALLZ USEFUL SHOW: Freephone: 0500 500 334 Minicom: 0121 415 4382 Fax: 0121 415 4381 i-mail: useful@bbc.co.uk P.O Box: The Rrally Useful Show PO Box k620, Birmingham B5 7RE MORE INFORMATION ON PAGE 626 TV Links 610 BBC1 601 BBC Focus BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Sky