P601 CEEFAX 2 601 Sun 01 Dec 23:53/34  ————————————————————————————   SUNDAY/MONDAY   2245-0225  ———————————————————————————— 2245 LIVES OF JESUS S/N New series asking why the story of Jesus' life still inspires millions of Christians worldwide 2335 HEART OF THE MATTER N New series A debate on whether sperm or eggs should be allowed to bj harvested from a dead spouse 0015 ACCUSED S/N A wealthy businessman is accused of stealing goods from a DIY store 0045 FILM: MAX AND HELEN N A couple separated in World 'ar II are reunited 20 years later. Drama with Treat Williams. (TVM 1989) 0220-0225 WEATHER BBC2 602 ITV 603 C4 604 On now 606 Front page 100 Sport 300 Regions 608 BBC2 TV ITV BBC1 Reg Satellite